MovieChat Forums > Splice (2010) Discussion > 5.9 are you kidding me??

5.9 are you kidding me??

Just watched the movie and found it absolutely fantastic! It's definitely one of the best SF movies that came out lately. It has a nice plot, with some similarities to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, good acting, amazing visuals and a thrilling endings. I gave it an 8, and I was appalled to see that is has only 5.9 rating!

My guess is that many people were disgusted by the sex and rape scenes. Well, you know the saying "real art comforts the disturbed and disturb the comfortable"


I wanted to like this movie, I really did. But everything from the poor dialogue, cliched "science is bad" moral themes, contrived abused-daughter-turns-into-abused-mother subplot (which wasn't even introduced until they take Dren to the farm), and stereotypic "hipster" molecular biologists (what with their "double helix" fist pound and all) really turned me off to it.



I don't know what movies you watch if you find this clished. And the moral of the movie certainly isn't "science is bad", it's more about kindness, mental abuse of children and equality of rights for every living thing.


"Overstepping the boundaries of what science should do" was certainly a theme in this movie. Many movies have played with this theme. Just to name a few more well-known ones:

The Terminator
The Fly
The Matrix
Jurassic Park
Reanimator (comically)
Altered States
The Twilight Zone

The cliched image of the scientist who gets caught up in his research and "goes too far" has been around for a long time. Also, I agree with the previous poster in that the movie started out with a good premise but devolved into shock horror without really saying anything interesting.


"A theme" yes, not "the theme". And you seem to have a very one track mind. Twilight Zone, seriously??


It was certainly a major theme in this movie. Yes, there were others related to gender roles, sexuality, child abuse (which was introduced sort of awkwardly into the film), among others, but the dangers of science and of "creating life" was certainly central to this movie. You yourself mention the similarities to Frankenstein in your opening post.

I don't really know what you mean by "one track mind", but yes, the Twilight Zone is a good example... I was also providing more mainstream examples. As far as the world of science fiction writing is concerned, this movie is fairly rehashed material.


Twilight Zone is NOT a good example! Have you even watched the show? It has ~170 episodes, of which maybe 1% has that theme.

"Science-Bad!" is a theme that's been used too much in SF (makes you wonder huh), I'll agree to that.


Just to be clear, then, I'll revise my list:

The Terminator
The Fly
The Matrix
Jurassic Park
Reanimator (comically)
Altered States
1% of The Twilight Zone



But even so, I still think it's a good movie. The acting was good, the visuals were very strong and it was very emotional, even if in a creepy way.


I agree it was better than 5.9 but I too was a little turned off by the rape scene mostly. I prefer they imply it without showing it. The audiences' imagination is strong enough to handle that. The sex scene between Dren and Clive didn't really bother me.

I think they could have reached the same conclusion by having Dren somehow morph with or into Clive like one of the animals in her DNA, thus deceiving Elsa into thinking she was having sex with her boyfriend.


The idea behind the movie had potential, but the movie itself is dire imho. The characters are idiotic and extremely annoying to watch. The dialogue is uninspired. The plot is forced and unconvincing. Sex and nudity have been thrown in multiple times, apparently just for the hell of it. I could go on all day.

Many critics seemed to like it, but I honestly don't know what possessed them. My guess is they were blinded by the fact it's somewhat controversial and shocking. That may be a quality of a lot of good movies, but it doesn't absolve this one from being bad.


I kinda liked it the first time I saw it, even though it was half the movie I saw. But when I saw the whole movie and saw it a couple of more times, I ended up liking it even more. I thought the concept was unique and interesting, and the actors all did a great job. At times, the film did feel a bit weak, especially the ending. But overall, I thought it was very good. I'd give it a 7/10.


I give it 7 .
I think 5.9 is lower than it deserves.
It seems many people just cannot accept the sexual relationship not only between human and monster but also between foster parents and child.


^ I agree completely, rusu. This film is not everyone's cup of tea and that's fine. But for some, it's legit and the concept is amazing.


Looking around at the boards, it has to be true. The sensitive sexual nature of the film brings it down to a 5.9. Now if the scientist were just sparkling vampires searching for teens in schools, maybe it could have gotten higher. Shame.


No, I think thats a cop out. The problem with the sex that a lot of people will have is that its the only notable thing in the film. When the film suffers from so much mediocrity we realize that the sex is just about shock, it doesn't really have much meaning to the story because the story is dull and listless and predictable.

I might add that I predicted both of the hybrid sexual scenes early on because I figured "this is a crappy movie, they'll probably have sex" figuring it was one or the other, but then I got both.

Here's the thing about the sex. Compare this to a film like Shame. The themes are radically different so thats not the comparison I'm making. What I'm talking about is the strength of a film and whether that relies on the sex scenes or not.

Shame's sex scenes were really strong, disturbing at times, and controversial. However, they deeply fed into the story, the character development, and whats more they are not the only really memorable scenes in the film. You could start talking about Shame and not even mention a sex scene in detail because the character development was so strong and in the end the scenes which most affected me were not the ones of explicit sex.

Its unfair to damn anyone who criticizes this film just because they use the sex scenes in their critique. Its not that we're all pleasure hating Christians, its that there's not much of a movie worth remembering here if you delete the scenes involving Rapey Incest Bestiality.


I know, right? What a shame. But like I said, it's not everyone's cup of tea.


I don't think this was a horrible film, and the fact that it pushes boundaries is a plus, not a minus, in my book. The performances and special effects were decent, but I just didn't think the plot all that compelling despite its exploration of taboos.

Like the largest bloc of voters here, I'm giving this 6/10, but I might upgrade (or downgrade) if I ever watch it again.




Thank you very much, gljbradley!


You're very welcome, WarpedRecord.


you'd think that people would give a low rating due to being offended but we've seen far worse. reading the story of the reviewer who demanded a refund due to the rape scene was just sad and lame.

i got a dvd9 iso of the film and enjoyed it deeply, projected 8ft wide and grand but i thought later that it had some serious flaws when it came to film-making/storytelling. once they take her down to the basement and she's SUDDENLY "sick" but then it's because she's going into shock and she suddenly needs to begin using her gills... WTF? the acting when his brother asks about their secret mutant who's screeching right above their heads and he just turns on "loud music" and that gimpy guy approves... pretty stupid basically and grimace inducing. finally, it feels really lame when they're running from the facility almost like it feels like you're a baby clutching to something that gives the plot more value and they're LEAVING it; i felt that.

then, it really shifts and feels extremely derivative with odd globs of sappy, tense, sexy, surreal and dumb. perhaps, because it feels derivative it can't help but fail at times but overall, it feels slapped together; especially when the guys show up at the end to investigate the mutant.


To add to your Frankenstein comparison, Clive and Elsa are the names of the actors who played in the original Frankenstein movie. The director did make a homage.


its now a 5.8. and i agree. the movie had the balls to do some disgusting things. disturbing things and many people hated it. which is cool. but i love this movie a lot. i think its a sci fi masterpiece. flawed but still. a podcast i listen to, the hosts said this movie needed more time because it had so much material. they could have made the movie an hour longer to explore the story more. make it an epic masterpiece.


Indeed. But you know what? So what if this film is rated 5.8 on this site. There are still people like us that still enjoyed the movie and thought it was bold in terms of the taboo themes they've dared to show. Flawed yet still a good movie.
