MovieChat Forums > Splice (2010) Discussion > The reason he slept with her and the rea...

The reason he slept with her and the reason they made her

The film story was trying to make a point, and that is, we are now close to the point in human evolution where our understanding and control of DNA can cure all diseases and deformities and birth defects and end a lot of suffering, but the transition period is going to be rocky and strange. In addition, the reason he slept with the creation is because he was compelled to mate for evolution's sake, he knew in his subconscious that it was necessary to move evolution and gene manipulation forward, it was not because he was horny. A creature like that in front of a man is the same thing as nature and evolution declaring: "you have to move forward" a thing nature does to us all the time. This is also the same reason they made the creature, they were compelled to by their biological make up. Sure, paranoid people are going to try to put constraints on ideas like this but it's going to happen.

Of course I know why people are weirded out, you have to forgive it, it's a sci fi horror film, I'm just saying the compulsions of the characters were not because a man will have sex with anything, it's because the film makers were trying to say "we are compelled to move forward at any cost."


I got the idea that Dren must have been working some sort of chemical influence on Clive to make him do what was completely idiotic in terms of his own interest, but that Dren, now taking control of events and gaining frighteningly titanic powers, needed to have happen.

It wasn't spelled out that way openly, so I might be projecting.

And having come to that thought, I also wondered whether Elsa seemed to calm down during the raping for the same sort of reason. A very ugly thought, I know, and if that's what the director was thinking, keeping it subliminal was good policy.

That's just my way of making sense of the emotional tone of those scenes, IMHO and FWIW.

An interesting and engaging movie despite its implausibilities. : )


Yes, I felt that also, but I just ascribed it to evolution compelling them, as opposed to the creature having a psychic power that made him do something he didn't really want to do.


Or maybe pheremone power, or whatever. It's all moot anyway, 'cause it ends in gory killing that doesn't make any sense.


And having come to that thought, I also wondered whether Elsa seemed to calm down during the raping for the same sort of reason

I think she was just in shock.


For Elsa, I believe she came to the conclusion that Dren was no longer her "child", she HAD finally lost control. Dren rebelled against her in so many ways, big & little, that Elsa could never even fathom doing against her mother while growing up. Elsa's mother had all of the power; Elsa tried to raise Dren with the same iron fist & almost paid the ultimate price.

For Clive, I think Dren's beauty & especially her innocence shone through. At that particular moment Dren was everything that Elsa was not, & probably couldn't ever be.


Hahahahaha! Whatever. Think about this... if you were a genetic scientist and you created a hybrid rabbit/eagle/fish/kangaroo/frog/human, what would you do ? Oh wait, I know, let's nail it! Yeah, what a great idea! I was laughing my head off at that scene. And I could guarantee Sarah Polley was going to waltz right in at the critical moment. Hahahaha! Imagine what was going through her head! "Ewwww gross, we created a genetic freak and my husband just boned it!" HAHAHA!


Very well put and exactly, Robey T.


I got the idea that Dren must have been working some sort of chemical influence on Clive to make him do what was completely idiotic in terms of his own interest

Ehh. I think Clive is just a Frankensteinian pervert. Dren hasn't learned human taboos, and mentally she's nowhere near as old as she looks, yet Clive takes advantage her.

He created life, and now he wants to have sex with it. Think Zeus, without the good looks.

As for someone sleeping around even though it's completely idiotic and goes against their own self-interest, that happens every day, even without the benefit of mind control powers.



I guess you can look at it like that.


We should never underestimate the power of the Oedipus complex. :)


Actually, Blur, you are only half right. It was the Oedipus Complex toward the end of the movie when the male Dren raped Elsa. It's called the Electra Complex when a daughter has feelings for her father. Good point, though.


Thanks! That's right.




And we all have to remember that there is a huge difference between each of the matings that emphasize the psychological character arch between the trio and how far into depravity they've all fallen. With Clive, Dren's mating was for love and attraction. Clive was always coming to Dren's defense against Elsa's overpowering control, so she naturally felt a connection to him. When the Male Dren raped Elsa, it was all about control.


Exactamondo, RackleFrackle! There was an obvious transition between the three of them and the matings represented their psychological connection towards one another. Also, let's not forget the first one where we saw Clive and Elsa having sex. She was the one on top which might symbolize her being the dominant one in their relationship. Though with Dren, he and her took turns being on top which seems to symbolize more sharing and equal ground between them. I think when the Male Dren raped Elsa, it was not only control, but maybe even revenge, punishment, resentment and bitterness.


because he was compelled to mate for evolution's sake

No, Elsa was the ambitious one, that type of motivation works for her but not Clive.

|Statistics show that 100% of people bitten by a snake were close to it.|


He was horny. Plain & simple. He was taken in by the moment.

Attn All Units!


He had sex with Dren because she reminded him of Elsa. And because he wasn't getting any. And because their relationship got troubled. Plain and simple.
