MovieChat Forums > Splice (2010) Discussion > Entertaining but failed at the box offic...

Entertaining but failed at the box office because...

The protagonist and bonding character (Adrien and Sarah) were not likeable. Its fine to be flawed, but these two were bumbling idiots - ESP. with the nut job Sarah's character.
I could not see being freinds with them in real life.


I'd put it down to poor word of mouth.

I watched this on TV because the trailer looked great, but wow, what a disappointment.

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Perhaps it failed at the box office because it S.U.C.K.E.D. :)


They never should have shown this movie on TV...Essential scenes would have been cut...It would have ruined the movie...Which it obviously did...This movie had to be seen in it's entirety. I'm not saying it was a great movie but it was complex and unique and controversial...The type of movie that you can't cut!


Everytime they kissed I imagined the director yelling "Cut!" then the two of them wiping their lips and ignoring each other until he next take

I think the movie didn't do well because it wasn't advertized as "pushing the boundaries of comfort" but instead presented as "your typical not-really-scary-science fiction movie"

If I knew it was so much more than a modern Aliens I would of paid to see it. I watched it 2 days ago and couldn't stop thinking about just how clever it truly played with the "what-ifs" that we all think of.

If it weren't for the poor advertizing, it could of made a lot more.


You're right, keykey. It's a surprisingly clever, brave, and unique movie. I didn't know what to make of it when they did advertized it. I thought it was going to be freaky, creepy, and terrible. Then I when I finally did see it, it was actually pretty good and it still had some of the freaky & creepy elements in it. Also, at times, it was rather dramatic which adds to it more and kinda emotionally moving.

Though, at least it seems to be getting more and more attention & noteriety now. It will become a cult classic favorite and for all we know, it might be already.


I was THOROUGHLY entertained by this movie!! I'm totally baffled as to why it has such a mediocre rating here on the IMDB.


no it failed because it wasn't that entertaining. It was too slow and there wasn't much horror, action or suspense until the last act, and then it wasn't handled that well.

The plot was also fairly predictable. There was an outer limits episode I remember staring Beau Bridges that was similar but done a lot better.


i think it was called sandkings if its the one im thinking of with little scorpion type bugs


It failed because it is extremely boring and dull.
Come on, movie made me wanna go to sleep.
And the twist and ending are so stupid.


It failed because it was a Species for thinking people.
Boring? Who cares. How is it better when an experiment wonders free and kills people through the whole movie? This film showed a Playing God dilemma pretty good. Not for everyone, but definetely a good picture.


Hi, FreewhellinVertigo. How are you?

Yes indeed. Thinking about it, Species, though a good movie, seems to be more of a monster type, eye candy movie. This film really is thought provoking and shows what can happen when we mess with nature. It may not be an awesome movie and as you said, for everyone, but it's a great film.


....people can't concentrate for more than 10 minute. If it doesn't have explosions or lame comedic lines don't expect it to do well at the box office.

But seriously, this movie wasn't that bad. Sure, it could have been better but for what it is, I thought it was a decent film that shows what can happen when science goes wrong. And it had a bit of dark humor in it that people didn't catch on to. However, I do think Brody was miscast. I just can't picture him as a scientist.



Idiots now days want motion shoved AT THEM constantly, not have to think through WHY something is. There is a lot to think about in this film (to people smart enough to recognize it) for everyone else, it is dull and slow. Movies like this will always sort out the thinkers from the brain deads. Plenty of other movies out there for the brain deads.


Movie wasn't bad, and it definitely captured the moral minefield of what the leads were up to. Definitely agree that it didn't do well because it had no gratuitous T&A or 'SPLOSIONS!

Kinich-Ahau / Kukulcan in 2012!
Carpe tenebrae!



No, Adrien was great. Just the movie could have been executed a lot better.
