MovieChat Forums > Splice (2010) Discussion > The Most Awesomely Bad Movie Ever

The Most Awesomely Bad Movie Ever

I saw this movie opening night. I was incredibly excited....but i was expecting something COMPLETELY differet with the ending.

I to this day still love the reaction my theater had when we all watched the ending together. A total (as a reviewer said before me) WTF moment.

We just busted out laughing, we were all in shock.

Too this day i dont regret spending money on those tickets. even though I will NEVER watch this movie again I talk about it with great Enthusiasm and suggest that EVERYONE sees it just so they too can have that WTF moment.

does anyone remember how their theater reacted when the ending happened? Did they laugh?


Probably the worst movie I have ever seen.


Don't watch a lot of movies, huh?


sorry you are so bitter. wishing rape on people isnt a very nice thing.

You must not have read my post...but only read the word raped...and then skipped everything else till you came to the word funny.
Thats not your fault. Todays world is full of idiots so you are not alone.

I never said rape was funny.. I said the scene was funny...there are many reasons why...the acting..the story line .. the fact that is just came out of no where...but i dont have to explain this to you ..because im not a bitter person sitting behind a computer trying to find things to bitch about.

I hope your day gets better and your life too.
good day to you


To each his or her own.


#careful- its the 'R' word. The 'R' word when- if its included in a scene, you MUST give it utmost respect and never EVER joke about it or think humour can be extracted from it. Beware the 'R' word my friend.
BTW, I found it not funny but, surprising and- good horror, which is what its meant to be.


Stop trying to wilfully misunderstand the OP. It's pretty messed up to wish rape upon someone else.

I happen to find the entire movie and that scene in particular hilariously stupid. The director didn't exactly attempt to elicit empathy in that particular scene with that cheesy dialogue.

No matter how you slice it, the movie was terrible. Yes the premise was interesting, but the execution left much to be desired. The fact that the movie sparked interesting debates does more credit to the intelligence of the audience than than that of the film-makers, who appear to be interested only in making money off a B-grade movie by throwing in cheap thrills.



NO ONE is saying that rape or it's depiction is funny. Stop trying to wilfully misunderstand people! What the OP said was that the movie made it into a joke by inserting that offending line for cheap thrills.

And I think it's pretty hypocritical of you to be jumping down people's throats for saying that they found that scene stupid and then going on to say that there are plenty of people who deserve to be raped...


Very well said, veraalfen.



As I've said, to each his or her own. You didn't like this film, great, veraalfen. And no, rape is not funny, GeneticSugar. It's horrific and one of the most heinous crimes of humanity.



Have to agree with this one

The acting was so hammy and wooden and absolutley no chemistry between the two main actors it was so obvious.

The story, well it could have been a GREAT B movie plot but they tried to make it serious, a thinking persons film. That just did not work, ever.

I switched of after an hour well long before that but lost count, came on this to read comments as it played in the background.
