Victor's drawings

At the end of the movie, when we see Victor's drawings, one of them is of a series of cube formations jumping off the page. I can understand the other drawings, but that one threw me. Anyone know what it could have meant?


I think it was supposed to represent the house crumbling and collapsing, the bricks coming loose from their mortar — supposedly because the Ushers (Roderick and Madeline) failed to supply the needed human sacrifice.

But that's only my guess.

IMHO, they should have left out that last scene (in the mental hospital) and just left it with Victor driving away as the house collapsed behind him. Of course, that would have required a much better special effect. The effect they did use they are probably trying to attribute to mental-patient Victor crumpling his drawing of the collapsing bricks. Bad. Verra, verra bad.

"Uncle Cosmo, why do they call it a Word Processor?"
"It's really very simple, Skyler. You've seen what food processors do to food?"
