More movies like this?

I really loved Crow Zero 1 and 2, the style the theme, loved it, could someone reccomend more Asian stuff like this?

Ive seen a few Miike movies, basically it doesn't have to be a same or a similar story, just something people who enjoyed this movie might reccomend to others, I like violence, I like style, I like good stories, so please reccomend away!


Movies deal with highschool action:
Gangster High
Volcano High
Though i didn't like them much, i didn't like Crows Zero that much neither. So you may like these too.

If you like stylistic action, you should try City of Violence.

There are so many, but i can't remember more now.


Thank you for the reply, I don't know why IMDB doesn't let me know when there is a reply to a post I make, I have seen volcano high and didn't really like it, I shall check out the other two you mentioned. :)


Check out Go

and Aoi Haru/Blue Spring


Go is pretty good and entertaining but treats fighting as a very secondary aspect... the movie is about racism, integration and issues like that. I don't think there are more than 10 minutes of fighting in the whole movie. I think advising Go is good in general, but not as a "fighting movie".



I'll never understand why people come to movie boards of movies they don't like lol


Weather Woman(1996)

It has that crazy japanese anime style feel and features some off-the-wall characters. One of my favourites. Keiko was my dream woman when I was kid watching this movie.


I watched Crows after looking for movies similar to Blue Spring, so that would be my recommendation.


young and dangerous - the prequel

gang fight

all about lily chou-chou (this movie has some action scenes but all in all it's more a drama)

blue spring and gangster high wereb awesome^^
I as a big crows 0 fan recommend to watch them


Kurôzu Explode (2014)
Tokyo Tribe (2014)
