successful scams

I'm curious, there are numerous books about scams and financial manipulation - non-fiction - in which the criminals are discovered, and punished. Enron, Barry Minkow and Zzzzz Best, etc. The tone of those books is usually "this guy was seduced by the lure of money, but he got caught up in greed, made mistakes, and he went to prison. But I'm curious if there are any accounts of major money scams in which the perpetrator(s) succeeded - basically, their crimes weren't discovered until after they had died, so basically they got away with it. I'm interested in cases involving large amounts of money, not interested in political scandals.

Any suggestions?

"My girlfriend sucked 37 d*cks!"
"In a row?"


Al Capone for example, he was never convicted for his real crimes ;)


If it were truely successful, no one would ever know, even after the perpetrator was deceased. I'm sure there are a lot of successful scams we'll never know about.
