I watched it last night-

This was a great doc. People were interesting. Personally, I considered Batman and Superman just glorified panhandlers. Wonder Woman and Hulk were trying to better themselves, and were trying to make ends meet.


I just watched it last night, too. It was a great documentary! Much more interesting than all the 'reality shows' we get bombarded with on TV these days...


Wonder Woman was the only one who had a chance of bettering herself. The other three were a bit deluded.

I would hate to live in Hollywood for exactly those kinds of people.

Let no one say that Catwoman is not the best-dressed woman in the world.


Just watched it. Not bad. That was hysterical when the fat Batman won the costume contest, after Daniel had gone through all that trouble and travel.


Sorry I meant Christopher...


The Incredible Hulk had a movie role in a movie.....he was doing well for himself


Batman was bat *beep* crazy.



I watched it last night too. I found it very good, "educational" and entertaining in a bittersweet kind of way. An original take on the Hollywood dream.
I met Christopher Dennis in London at the 'Superman Returns' premiere. He was cool with everyone, taking pictures with whoever wanted one. He never said no and never asked for tips (well, he was out of his "territory"). He did raise a few eyebrows, considering he looks so much like Christopher Reeve. He was dressed casually, then dressed as Superman, before dressing casually and entering the cinema. I particularly liked Joseph McQueen. He seemed so genuine. Telling his own story must have been somehow cathartic. He deserves to be given a chance. I wish him the very best in his career. Jennifer Wenger is soooooo hot!!! Lovely eyes! She seems talented to. What happens to her marriage? As for the Batman guy, I'll remember to give him a tip if I ever meet him. He'd also better watch that anger.

"I just want to be inspired."


I think I'm the only one who thinks this guy looks nothing like Chris Reeve.


Nope. I'm with you, looks nothing like Reeve.
The guy also needs to hit the gym & wear some antiperspirant. He was a loony one.



I disagree that "Superman" had the qualities of a panhandler. When "Marilyn Monroe" was complaining to him and "Ghost Rider," about not receiving even one tip for the day, he maintains over and over again: "It's not mandatory to tip."



Yes, he kept saying that, but I think if they tell people 'We work on tips' BEFORE they take the picture and that person decides not to tip them AFTER, it's not right to keep saying 'WE DO WORK ON TIPS!!!', that sounds very mandatory, opposite to what he kept repeating to the other panhandlers.

I mean, watching Batman begging for tips was pitiful.

the gargabe man, yes the garbage man can


I just watched it and I have learnt that there are alot of blacks moving into Metropolis. Yeah lots of blacks.

Die Hard is my favorite Christmas Movie!


I just finished watching it, was interesting to say the least. Some of the characters I liked right off the bat, like Batman, were pretty terrible by the end.

I never liked Superman, his shrill, nasal "we work for tips!", right... And then he couldn't even spout out a descent word of advice to Marilyn Monroe. Seemed like a first class douche to me.

I really like Joseph McQueen, the Hulk. That guy doesn't seem too bright, but a very genuine and a kind person. I'm glad he was able to put a roof over his head, and can continue that and hopefully move forward.

Batman was a train wreck, lol. His lies really started to unravel in front of that psychiatrist. I'd hate to meet Batman IRL, that guy really does come across as the violent type, not because he HAS murdered people, but because he wants people to believe it.

Wonder Woman, I'm not sure. She was great to look at, she's filling in, but she had real beauty, like her facial shape and everything. I hear her boobies are on True Blood, that's my next google search.
