MovieChat Forums > The Cursed (2010) Discussion > FV Report - The Cursed

FV Report - The Cursed

Got to see FC (fine cut) of it the other night ( 28/12/2007 - Spring Hill, TN).

HNC (Have No Connection to the project)- Could be (and Probably Will Be) tightened a li'l bit and given a tweak to the sound.

- It was hellafun! (and I'd planned on leaving - already put in a long haul and had miles to go).

- Very cool independent cinema - reminds me about what I miss about true indies - looking forward to seeing it again.


Whoever wrote these reports of this movie must have been on crack. This... Thing... its insulting to refer to this as a movie. Avoid at all costs.

Tick Tock Goes the Clock...
