MovieChat Forums > Hawkeye (2021) Discussion > S1E3 - A Quiver of Fun

S1E3 - A Quiver of Fun

Today's episode is mostly about Echo and her quest for revenge against Ronin along with the escape of the duo protagonists.

I'm starting to take a liking towards Kate now. She's still flawed but shows she's growing in experience with mentor sensei Hawkeye by her side.

-Echo (Maya) cuts the tape off Hawkeye's bound hand yet Kazi picks it up and re-uses it therefore cutting its strength down to none at all. -_-

-Not one shot was fired during the warehouse arrow foreplay with Hawkeye after he escaped from the weak tape bonds.

-Hawkeye could've taken out the whole Tracksuit mafia yet only only maims some of the goons and not the boss lady herself along with her right-hand man leading to a needless car chase. Still had plenty of arrows too.

-Putty Arrow, Explosive-tip Arrow, Suction Cup Arrow, Retractable Multi-Cable Arrow, Acid Arrows, Smoke Bomb Arrow, Pym Particle Arrow, and a Bow attached with a cable, what more could we ask for? Great show of display in this episode. I wonder what the 4 other arrows were that Clint decided to withhold from use by Kate. One of them must definitely be the Rocket Arrow.

-Clint makes a remark near the end of the episode about what else the TSM may be looking for which may be in reference to the Avenger Watch (Tony Stark?) back in the first episode which we may get more info about in later episodes.

-Auction, butterscotch, parry like a pro, Armand murdered by sword (PLOT HOLE!), IT ALL FITS!!

-How the hell would Kate know Kazi's last name? -_-;; PLOT HOLE!!


How the hell would Kate know Kazi's last name? -_-;; PLOT HOLE!!

Even Clint told her off screen between scenes, still she should at least ask how to spell it, that does not look like a common surname.


Armand murdered by sword (PLOT HOLE!)

That might not be a plot hole. The fact could have been inferred if Armand was stab though from chest to back. Whatever weapon could do that is usually called a sword.
