good thing

I donot go by reviews, that guy who gave it a bad review and said its bad and awful acting either he needs to watch a different type of movie or something, because watched the trailer and just got done watching the movie and i enjoyed it big time as did my friends.


i haven't seen this yet, but what you say works the other way too. alot of movies have really good reviews on the front page, it's pretty notorious with horror movies cuz honestly most released nowadays are mediocre or just terrible


Yes, I loved the movie too. I think the actors are serious candidates for next year's Oscars.

The only good thing about this movie is that the music is so loud, you can't hear the stupid things the "actors" say.

Worst editing...EVER.


The editing was kind of bad. I gave this a 4. I didn't think it was that terrible, but the surprise ending messed it up for me. I wish they would've let the chick stay dead. Didn't see the gun shot scene coming, but the ending was a little predictable.
