MovieChat Forums > Cinderella (2021) Discussion > Disney's next woke flop...

Disney's next woke flop...

Please please please let the coronavirus take out these woke idiots so we don't have to be subjected to this nonsense any longer...


This upcoming Cinderella is a Sony project, not by Disney.

I certainly don't know what to make of this one alright... But that may also depend on how the rest of the movie is going to look from the released footage, teasers, writing, etc. Of course, this is also Sony Pictures we're talking about here that don't always got a great track record on franchise or big budget films..

Plus how would a 'genderless fairy godmother' perform by a man even work????


Unpopular opinion i love these remakes... I just wish they'd do Hercules


As the phrase goes they are "Useful Idiots" causing division and distraction. Once the take over happens they will be discarded by their masters because in the end, diversity is never a strength.


Yup, blinded by lust for power they'll never get to taste.
