Why oh why??

Since it dident seem to matter who the limbs and organs came from (perfect fit every time), why not just cut open the first guy, since every patient seemed to have differant problems (the eyes, liver, heart, leg, dick, tung, and so on), and let the other ones be? Okey it was a movie, but all that torture made it stupid. I guess they got their hobby mixed up with work.



Blood type has to match. And I think that was mentioned in the movie. Plus, they had more patients that body parts from one person.


dicks and eyes cant be transplanted, thow so i dont get this


I'm not sure about dicks being transplanted, but eyes most definitely can be. they aren't like in the movies or TV where everything is perfect, but it is something that is possible.


the only part of the eye that can be transplanted is the corneas


oh yeah, sorry bout that.
