MovieChat Forums > Train (2009) Discussion > How realistic was that?

How realistic was that?

Okay I know the film isn't supposed to be too realsitic, but if potential life saving organ transplants are going on illegally, at a cost of thousands to the recipients, then I'm sure they would carry out these intricate operations on the end trailer of a train, where the organs are removed by a sweaty, filth encrusted abbatoir worker, and a doctor who believes that what she is doing is helping people, but is quite content to torture the donors, instead of simply killing them and then removing the organs.


The truth is that alot of black market organs are harvested this way. You read in the news about these things all the time - people resorting to black market sellers for organs because medical care keeps them on lists for years while their life slips away and it ends up killing them through infections and diseased rejected organs.

Black Market organs aren't always treated with care; often the organs harvested come from people who were deliberately murdered for the reason...some people are kept alive UNTIL the very moment their organs are harvested simply because the longer they are alive, the longer the organ survives in transit.

The harvesting usually isn't done in a hygenic safe place by a qualified surgeon...the harvesting is done in whatever available abandoned accomodation the harvesters can find, often in warehouses, slaughterhouses, farms, etc, anywhere with room just outside of civilization. Usually, the same place is NEVER used twice, because they can be linked to it. And whoever is doing the "surgery" is generally an ex-doctor, ex-medical student, a vet or a butcher who will have at least a good working knowedge of anatomy and where to get the organs from and how to remove them quickly.

No medical examination is done before the organs are harvested to make sure that there's no diseases or infections already, they're just taken and tossed into a box, there's barely any care involved.

The black market isn't a place of profession and quality...that's why it's illegal.


That put me in my place then. Complicated surgery such as eye and penis transplants are obvioulsy far more straight forward that I first envisaged.
