MovieChat Forums > Train (2009) Discussion > the ending (spoilers)

the ending (spoilers)

So I'm assuming Alex got back to the US, but how could she if...

1. She is walking train tracks in the middle of nowhere and she doesn't know where she is.

2. She has no passport

3. She just got beaten senseless by Vlad

4. She doesn't speak the language of wherever she is

5. She has no money

6. In another scene soldiers took Claire off the train to rape her, yet beaten Alex is safe???

I can't see there being a sequel, so why didn't they just kill her off???


She killed a boy and stole his identity. So she cut her hair to look like him. She now wrestles in Russia college.

[My heart stops when you look at me].


One Good Assumption is, she was close enough to Odessa to make it there safely, met up with the others that had already left for Odessa. They find her go to the consulate, and she gets home safe and sound.

Habataitara modorenai to itte
Mezashi-ta no wa aoi aoi ano sora
