this movie was crap! my god the acting first of all, with the exception of thora birch who's too good for this, was piss poor. the story was absolutely boring, I had a hard time keeping up with it. I seriously just wanted to fall asleep during it. the plot was lame, and I dunno how this had anything to do with Terror Train at all, so I'm glad it's being passed off as an original film. the gore/death scenes were pretty good. some bits made me cringe, such as the spinal tap scene. i wonder if the version out on the net is the original NC-17 cut, because it looked like in one scene a castration was blurred or something, as it was hard to see. another part that creeped me out was when the villans rape a girl whose leg they just sawed off, so she's half alive, and then she is later raped again by more villans offscreen, it was all just disturbing. other than this, the movie was total crap.


i agree. thora birch deserves much better than this. she needs to try for supporting roles in indie films. not leads in crappy horror indies.



Yeah, it was a pile of sh!te, but what's with you cats thinking Thora Birch can act? Anything she's been in she's played the same chick. Lard, she acted better in this than the others she's been in, and this just plain sucked.

"I would sum up my fear about the future in one word: boring." JG Ballard



"the plot was lame, and I dunno how this had anything to do with Terror Train at all, so I'm glad it's being passed off as an original film"

Those words are some of the dumbest I've ever seen on these boards. You should be proud.

"I would sum up my fear about the future in one word: boring." JG Ballard


I agree w/ Paul...and what's with everyone dropping their weapons??? Don't they know this effs up films b/c, realistically, that's the 1st thing everyone goes for. When I was in a messed up situation I went str8 to the kitchen & stuck knives everywhere, one in my bra, my socks, back pocket...till police showed up to rescue me


You know what I always think that myself,why the fook drop ur own weapon?? Movie was ok for gore but far to many flaws only stupid people would have done what she did throughout the film,apart from share a bed with Todd that is YUM!


Lol if Thora is to "good" for the film then why did SHE settle for such a crap movie??? As for her "acting". Lol yeah Kristen Stewart is a far BETTER actress than Thora. Thora shows NO emotion and she just basically stands there looking stupid throughout the movie and in EVERY movie she's been in. The same o'l expression on her face. Her acting is HORRIBLE and how she even became an "actress" is a mystery. Get out of here. She is NOT too good for this movie or any movie. Also I must've missed something because you said a villain raped a girl who's leg they just sawed off. Um one of the villains raped a GUY that was sitting in the chair that they just sawed him open. That was a guy in the purple shirt that they wheeled off. So it was a man raping another man.

I'm "Bi-Winning"-Charlie Sheen

