Was this a joke?

I was actually mortified for the Director of this movie. As I watched the movie unfold my mortification grew progessively worse. By the end I was thinking this movie was maybe meant to be a comedy but I quickly scrapped this idea when I realized that I was laughing at it for all the wrong reasons....

The train has a hospital ward on it. Yes... somehow this train is big enough to house a hospital ward and a torture chamber which are clearly twice the size of the other carriages on the train.....

The carriages never seem to rock back and forth even though the train is travelling faster than the speed of sound or so it would seem when the film speed is obviously cranked up like an old silent movie.

When the train suddenly comes to a halt, one character, who really should have been thrown across the train is still standing perfectly still like she's just having a cup of tea at home in her living room.

Characters suddenly go from A to F with no clarification of what has happened in between... One character who is on the run from the villains with no possibility of escape is suddenly shown back in her cabin hiding under the bed.

This happens regularly throughout the movie... terrible editing and massive gaps in storytelling make the movie feel like whole reels have gone missing.

The acting is terrible from all involved. Poor Thora Birch who is normally quite good performs with all the finesse of a floorboard.

Even the gore is nothing we haven't seen before so much so that scenes which should have made me cringe just made me notice how much it looked like rubbery prosthetics.

On the plus side, if your a budding horror movie maker watch this cos it'll makes you realize that if this crap can get funded then your work has just increased its chance of being produced too.


LOL, funny post!!!


You should be a movie critic. I hate movie critics. Too long, didn't read by the way.


Why they got the organs from the people in a room that wouldn't look out of place in 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' is beyond me when there was a medical bay on the train. Which I suppose is where the operations to give the hacked off/out organs to the patients (like the little boys eye) took place?

I guess the people receiving the organs are immune to infection and organs can just be cut and pasted into them. The eyeball was practically ripped out with pliers if I remember. The heart, I think that just got ripped out with hands. I'm no doctor but c'mon

John Hancock
