MovieChat Forums > Train (2009) Discussion > How graphic is the Nudity? Please Reply!

How graphic is the Nudity? Please Reply!

I have the uncut version. I want to know one thing does this movie have explict nudity? Male or Female? I mean full frontal or partial? as it was original rated NC-17. I want to know can I watch it with my family (Obviously not with children).

Best Regards.


The nudity isn't really explicit.

Todd and Alana are in a bath and covered with bubbles.

A couple of people are having sex/orgy in a club (extras).

We see Todd's pubes when he's about to get a BJ from some girl in a club, he also shows his butt later when he's in a jockstrap for a few minutes.

A Topless Girl is in a shower.

Sheldon's butt is shown.

That's pretty much all of the nudity.


Thanks a lot Slasher_Guy for the detailed description. One last question I want to ask is that according to the title this movie is based on a train venture so If I skip and fast forward all these scenes having nudity u mentioned above, does it affects the storyline of the movie? I mean are these scenes related to the main theme of the movie? Do these scenes takes place before or after the characters arrive at the train.



Yeah, these scenes are relevant to the story. The nightclub scene isn't really that graphic and only lasts a few minutes.

But yeah, you shouldn't skip any of the scenes. For instance, in the bathtub scene with Todd and Alana, there is character development and things discussed which are important for later in the movie.


Thanks a bunch Slasher_Guy.
Much appreciated.

Best Regards.


Fact: it's not "Alana", it's "Alex".

Opinion: it's not "character development", it's "cardboard cut-outs vaguely resembling human beings".


You're worried that the horror movie you're showing to your children has nudity in it?

I must be missing something, watch the People Vs. Larry Flint. Particularly the scene where he holds a town hall rally after being released from prison for pornography. Oh and grow up.


You want to watch a slash film with your family and you're afraid if there's boobies or pee-pees? How american. Bring on the violence, hide them boobers.

"I would sum up my fear about the future in one word: boring." JG Ballard


He's not watching the movie with his family. He just doesn't want to come out and say... "How much boobs are there? I like boobs. Does Thora Birch do anything dirty? Cause if not... I don't want to rent it. Oh, there's a bunch of man stuff... nevermind."


lol wut? your family doesn't mind seeing people cut apart, tortured, screaming in agony, but seeing a penis would offend them?



uh relax people. If i am watching a horror movie with my mom and dad i would rather watch someone's head get cut off than watch a guy waving his penis around on screen. It's not about being offended. It's just not the kind of thing some people may feel comfortable watching with their family. It's like comparing a slasher film to a porno, i'd take slasher film anyday! Lol! I'm not saying this movie is a porno, but if i know that a movie has graphic sex scenes in it or naked people runninjg around, my mom and dad will not be my first choice of company when watching that flick.

Why so serious?


well, that's creepy. you'd rather watch torture porn with your family than see a penis...


You all need to relax guys. I agree totally with what SweetAngel has said. She’s talking common sense. As for Hexrei, you need to show more awareness and change your perspective. Its kinda like a lot more comfortable viewing if heads are getting slashed than having to watch “porno/graphic sex scene”. For eg) my parents wouldn’t be to keen on me watching a slasher film, but if I was to watch one and that with family, then atleast it wouldn’t get uneasy. I mean they would be a few odd looks as to why we were watching this, but there wouldn’t be no awkward, queasy moments or weird silences where you don’t know where to look and are just waiting for the scene to move on.
Answer this, why would you feel more comfortable watching a porno with family than watching someone die horrifically??

And anyways, each to their own. TheKashif is just finding out more info, just being on the safe side. I’m sure he has his reasons. Whats wrong with that. Atleast TheSlashers helping him out and not complaining unlike some peops.

This is the 1st time I’ve commented, but I felt like I had to. :-P


first of all, why are you talking about porn? even the OP didnt ask about porn, he asked about simple nudity. the nude human body. Additionally, it's funny you should bring up porn because the amount of gore in this film could practically be called torture porn.

it's a real indicator of how sick our society is when someone is more comfortable watching someone get sliced apart with their family than seeing a breast.


Even though I don't agree with them, I can see where they are coming from with the "I'd rather watch violence than nudity" thing. Simply put, the violence, no matter how graphic, is fake. The nudity is real. And those are the facts.

Me personally, I don't mind nudity (hey, I even encourage it). But I can understand why some people might be queezy about it.

"I want a frisbee made of Mexico."


I thought the nudity was supposed to be a lot stronger! like full frontal male nudity

"A persons heart is like a deep ocean of secrets."


Stopping being so judgemental. Must admit if I was watching a movie with my mum, although there is no way she'd watch a horror movie like this, I'd think I would be more comfortable and so would she watching someone have their head cut off which we all know is FAKE and not real rather than someone getting their penis out and waving it in some girl's face which we know is REAL.

Now if it was a choice be watching a real beheading and real full frontal nudity then it's completely different. Bring on the penis/muff of course.



So do you all watch porn with your families? Hey, it's only sex, everyone does it -- nothing to be embarrassed about. Next time you're getting read to jerk off, why not invite Grandma and Grandpa over to share this family time together?

BTW, do you also invite family to watch you take a dump? Hey it's just poo, everyone does it. Grow up already. Nothing to be ashamed of, share it with the family!

You will watch violent films but not poop and watch porn or have sex in the presence of your family? You're so backwards and idiotic!

"Even though I don't agree with them, I can see where they are coming from with the "I'd rather watch violence than nudity" thing. Simply put, the violence, no matter how graphic, is fake. The nudity is real. And those are the facts."

This is something most people don't even consider. If the nude folks were wearing skinsuits, we'd all be happy right? That way the nudity would be fake, too. Hey, they do amazing things with latex these days (as most of the people on this thread can probably attest to!).

I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.


ehhh... I'd rather watch a proper movie with my family any day. if this is the film you're gonna sit and watch with your family, you've got REALLY bad taste. As for sex vs violence, I'd not sit through a soft core movie with my family, I'd also not sit through torture porn with my family. Would I watch Nightmare on Elm Street or Black Christmas with my family? Yes. Because they're good, scary movies. WOuld I watch Hostel or a Saw film? No. Because they're a violent mess of depravity. Would I watch Fatal Attraction or Bad Education with my family? Yes. Because, despite there being sex and nudity, it's part of the story and if you feel uncomfortable, perhaps you're meant to? Would I watch Basic Instinct 2 or Dante's Cove? Hell no! It's nothing but sex and dull writing.

People are asking how the OP could bring himself to watch torture porn with his family if it had sex/nudity. That in itself is pretty twisted, I agree. What I'd rather ask is, why would a *beep* douche want to sit down with his/her family and watch this?!? Oh yeah, cause THEY'RE A *beep* DOUCHE!

And to those who say you can't fake nudity, why the *beep* are you ashamed or embarrassed to see a nude person? Nudity doesn't mean sex, *beep* idiots. Can you even go into an art gallery with your family? Here's a word of warning, never visit the Picasso museum in Barcelona; there's lots of work from his Blue period and I'd hate for you to feel embarrassed about seeing a nude woman :/

My teenage angst has a body count



Its extremly weird you would rather watch a torture horror movie with your family than see a boob. Messed up family Id say...



If i am watching a horror movie with my mom and dad i would rather watch someone's head get cut off than watch a guy waving his penis around on screen. It's not about being offended. It's just not the kind of thing some people may feel comfortable watching with their family. It's like comparing a slasher film to a porno, i'd take slasher film anyday! Lol! I'm not saying this movie is a porno, but if i know that a movie has graphic sex scenes in it or naked people runninjg around, my mom and dad will not be my first choice of company when watching that flick.

lol smile - I completely agree. I'm 36 with a hubby & teenage son and I'd still be too embarrassed to watch a sex scene in front of my parents.

Committed at 22 just to get over you
My belly aches blue, Lorazepam flu


Slasher Man got it right with his breakdown of things. I don't think the scenes are that significant to the movie but they are so minimal that if you do fast forward them you will probably miss a bit of the next scene. ie by the time you press the fast forward button it will be time to press play.

Also I would highly recommend that you DO NOT watch Borat or Bruno with your folks or kids if you get a bit iffy about nudity.


Okay, so it's perfectly normal for the American society to Fast Forward the nude scenes in a movie?

I mean... I can make the picture in my mind... the family reunited on the sofa, torture porn on the screen... and the cautious Father with the remote at hand... then some penis appears on the screen... then 2 seconds of FF, while everybody in the family is trying to not see each other... continue with the torture porn.

Are you insane? This is a joke!

Live your sexuality with common sense! Anyone seen this kind of movies is supposed to be an adult. Act like one.



totally agreed - this is either some huge level here or some people really need to sort themselves out. And whats all this talk of a man taking his penis out and waving it in some girl's face - since when does that happen in films???? (porn aside)
I personally dont think this could be considered good family viewing penis or no penis!


Watch it with mum and dad and then enjoy getting them to act out your favourite scenes, with you suggesting motivation, fun times will be yours.



Seriously, you don't mind watching a person skinned, but are worried about a little nudity? That's what makes Amerika great- praise the lord.


Once again nobody seems to know this idiot post the exact same phrase on all his movie questions. I know he is hoping to get some perverted response so - yea nudity is in it and it's your momma.



God, shut up already you bunch of politically correct morons. Same statement over and over again. WTF do you care anyway? Judgmental, stereotyping, simple minded twits parroting blanket statements you heard some talking head spew out for the masses to buy into. Ugh.


Can't you ask a different question for a change?

Why do you always ask the same question?


alright, guys this is such a stupid thing to argue about so i think you should just move on and get over it. If he dosen't feel comfortable watching it with his family...fine. That's his choice. It's not your business to bash his provocative.

This right here, is my sig and nothing more: Told ya. Some ppl r just nosy

