Worth seeing

I found it pretty enjoyable, sean penn only had a few lines really which I thought was a good thing- I didn't want to see some biased uninformed rant from a celebrity.

It's worth going to see/downloading and is pretty short so give it a shot.


I found Nixon's little "chat" with Kissinger somewhat disturbing... think BIG!


Yes it was rather disturbing, the whole documentry was disturbing. Its a shame that more people arent interested in listening to what this film has to say. The whole truth movement has been tainted with the shroud of conspiracy and as such its avoided by the mainstream.

Games, Wallpapers, Movies, Technology and More


Great documentary. I've seen lots of documentaries, and I already knew what they were going to talk about Yet I still had that wow feeling at the end after watching this. So much waste. It's bleak to look at but still must see viewing.

"We have guided missiles and misguided men."


In short, you're biased against those you allege are biased -- without providing a shred of evidence for that allegation.

FOX sewer dupe much?


You thought that the makers of this film just let Sean Penn "rant" on about whatever he wanted to...rather than providing a script for him that he then read?
