SASUKE Maniacs Fansite

Hey everyone, for those who haven't seen the site already, here is the link to the Sasuke Maniacs Fansite which has been set up by blt024 and run by him, me, and several others. It aims to be the most complete and up to date fansite dedicated to SASUKE/Ninja Warrior. Much of the site is still in its developmental stages, so help would very much be appreciated by everyone.

Forum: The forum is where most of the discussion, debate, and speculation happens before and after tournaments and where everything in the world of SASUKE is discussed. There are hundreds of topics on just about everything. It is free to join and it is recommended to access all of the boards.

Wiki: (Otherwise known as "Sasukepedia") A complete wiki on EVERYTHING related to SASUKE. The wiki hopes to be as accurate to the real show as possible with the TBS obstacle names (although G4's will be mentioned), Japanese order of names, etc. There are pages for everything and many more that still need to be worked on and improved. Pretty much any part of SASUKE one can think of will have a page in the future. However, the wiki needs more editors. There are pages already set up, so use them as a template for others. You will need to sign up to edit pages there, but help would be greatly appreciated.

Gallery: A picture gallery for SASUKE pictures. Pretty much a place holder now as most of the pictures will be in the wiki. Not much is there now, although it can be expanded soon. I believe it will be replaced soon.

Videos: Just a place holder for something else. Will be removed in the future.

Games: A Game Boy Emulator for Java is in place, allowing for play of the 3 Kinniku Banzuke games for the GB/GBC. (My personal favorite is KB3, a walkthrough will be posted later). Also, the link for the Ninja Warrior game by G4 is there. Any future games/any new emulators found will hopefully be posted.

Links: Links section. Pretty basic now, any ideas for more links can be added if you have a Sasukepedia account.

Contact Us: Basic section to show the editors of the site and wiki.

Look around and enjoy!
