MovieChat Forums > Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008) Discussion > 'Talk to the paw' and 'Oh no she didn't!...

'Talk to the paw' and 'Oh no she didn't!'...

This film looks ridiculous enough... crap lines like that are not going to help...

I feel bad for parents who will be dragged in to see this.

"This city deserves a better class of criminal..."



yeah dude this is the year of the "thats what she said"

I hope that after i die,
people will say of me:
"that guy sure owed me a
lot of money."


...yeah.. this is what happens when white writers try to be hip or cool or use street lingo/slang.. they are always 5-6 years behind... preety soon yall will be saying "Off The Hook.." as if it was new..

BTW: lk to the hand was only used by corny-ass white folks in an attempt to sound cool or "down" off of the gesture when it was used on the show Martin or from seeing people doing it (although the term talk to the hand was never used.. cuz it was lame..)


you really do fail...

I R Teh Banana


I couldn't have said it better myself.



I know that doesn't make much sense. Sorry, couldn't help it, I'm a white person 5 years behind the times trying to sound cool. hehehe


It's funny you say that. Guy Fieri (I know I probably spelled it wrong) has a show on Food Network called "Guy Off The Hook". I'd say he's in his late 30's or early 40's, and he dyes his hair bleach blond, and wears bowling shirts. I'm just waiting for him to say "NOT!!" Or better yet a few months ago Mitt Romney was saying "who let the dogs out?"



Wow, that was extremely racist.



Not racist. Not at all.


This film looks hilarious. I think I'm about to pee myself laughing just by the trailer. *sarcasm*
Chimpunk's Rights Association!



Oh God, shut up.


And I'm a white Australian and 'Off the hook' is totally 5 or 6 years ago for me so I think you should know what you're talking about before you say insulting things like that about a group of people.




I'm hoping one of the dogs will say, "Ooh, that's gonna leave a mark!"

I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time.


too true. is it just me, or is it that every year around october, disney releases a live-action film that looks to be absolutly terrible, and quite often, include some big buff hollywood action star? they did the pacifier with vin diesel, then the game plan with the rock... this one is just missing this disgruntled behemoth.


"Pacifier" was ok. "The Gameplan" is actually a very good movie... it's a great family movie and I won't lie, I loved "The Gameplan" and so does my 3yo son. I do have one question who among any of you have see either of these movies? I hope you are criticizing based on having actually SEEN the movie. At least Walt Disney is still making some good family and kid movies seeing as to how most movies nowadays is not appropriate for children.


If I hear 'Oh no she didn't!' one more time on tv or a movie, I gonna bite a bullet.

"call it, friendo"
-No Country For Old Men


If I hear 'Oh no she didn't!' one more time on tv or a movie, I gonna bite a bullet.
Oh really.

And that statement isn't a cliché?

What is the objection to using any particularly well-used (worn) phrase? That (a) it's over-used, or (b) it's "so last week"? If it's (a) then don't use hackneyed phrases yourself, because that just shows your own stupidity - if it's (b) then you are a slavish follower of fashion which just shows your shallowness...

If the objection is that the expression is not funny in context then you have a valid objection, but so far on this board no-one has brought that up. So maybe just do us all a favour and eat that bullet anyway, then we won't have to wade through all your empty criticism, hmm?


maybe I will.....(click)..bang!!!...(thump)....

"call it, friendo"
-No Country For Old Men


Some phrases (like bite the bullet) are timeless, others aren't. People have been saying bite the bullet for decades and will be saying it decades from now. Oh no she didn't isn't a timeless phrase. First of all, it's spoken in a weird black accent (which is supposed to make it funnier, but makes it sound lame) and second, it's only used by a certain group of people. I can't imagine a guy in a suit (or any self-respecting male) saying "talk to the hand."


Hahaha Oh no you didn't! I'm so done with that you don't even know.


Wow, Disney gets us
-Anonymous African American moviegoer, Family Guy.


Ok, are there any new, now, hip, trendy words or phrases being said today that will show up in Disney movies in 2013?


Maybe they'll use: "Just a bit outside." Or "ooh behave."

