MovieChat Forums > Home (2009) Discussion > United Nations Environment Programme

United Nations Environment Programme

As a documentary the information to the audience is presented in a popular viewpoint of generalities. A broad involvement of social economic issues that effect culture and peoples around the world. The stress on ecological holistic needs within the societies represented.

The issues as narrated question the factual basis as much as the audience, in the given world, should also question their involved nature and those facts.

The pathos of the logical use of Earth when it does not support the sustained needs of the intelligent life which human civilization may endanger is the main issue presented. The pathological modus involves population growth and standard of living as a means to an end with short term market strategy based in current micro economic planning. Which macro economics in the last century has catered to that modus.

How can the audience take action. Who are the stakeholders as political players.

As a brief review of the film and the actionable issues personally I choose the involved World Wildlife Fund and question the financial basis as to how the United Nations Environment Programme provides a fair economic and legal framework to allow society to freely use such advocacy.

As a concerned member of the audience my question to the World Wildlife Fund as follows...

Does the World Wildlife Fund advocate Amicus, Juris Opinion, and or reports when treaty and Convention are not found by evidence to be compliant under Constitutional law and international environmental compliance? See Also.

Assistant Secretary General for Legal Affairs: United Nations Headquarters

Wikipedia. Ex aequo et bono. Wikipedia from web 2015

Wikipedia. Sua Sponte. Wikipedia from web 2015

Puncta sunt servanda ( Latin for "agreements must be kept" ).

Drazdik Jr., Andrew. WWF Online form. Question Reference #160116-000044. 2016

The questions of legal use of environmental laws when the rule of law prevails by customary law with economics seems very essential to how I understand the modus. See Also.

Amicus Curiae. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. 2016

opinio juris (international law). In customary international law, opinio juris is the second element (along with state practice) necessary to establish a legally binding custom. Opinio juris denotes a subjective obligation, a sense on behalf of a state that it is bound to the law in question. See ICJ Statute, Article 38(1)(b) (the custom to be applied must be "accepted as law").

Whether the practice of a state is due to a belief that it is legally obliged to do a particular act is difficult to prove objectively. Therefore, opinio juris is an unsettled and debated notion in international law. from Cornell Law Project. opinion juris. LII. WEX definations. 2016

Stanford University, University of Minnesota's Institute on the Environment, The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund. internet 2016

United Nations Environment Programme. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation. 2016

World Wildlife Fund. Projects. The Natural Capital Project. internet 2016

World Wildlife Fund. Initiatives. Harnessing Forces for Conservation. internet 2016

Youtube LLC. HOME. Homeproject. 12th May 2009

Member as Freelance writer
