Victor goes primal

My wife's favorite program is the Young and the Restless. I have to admit to seeing about 20 minutes of it in the 25 plus years she's been hooked on it. In about 15 of those twenty minutes, I saw Eric Braeden's acting style being exactly like his character in The Man Who Came Back, except that in TYATR, he doesn't get a chance to chop off heads with a spade, shoot a guy's balls off with a Colt 45, or bash the bad guy's brains in with 5 pound rock.

But you could easily see Victor doing all those things and more, and so the The Man Who Came Back could just as well been titled the Man Who Finally Gets To Act Out His Fantasies and Kill People In A Gruesome Manner Because He's Been Frustrated For 30 years Playing A Guy Who Wishes He Could But Can't.
