The Suicide

Huh??????????? Talk about being drastic or overreacting. When told of the situation, that the baddies are hatching a plot to bring on charges against Laura that she attempted to kill him, and that he took a bribe... Joe decides to kill himself? LOL! That's all I can say is LOL! This is some bad writing.

Here are some other events in Joe's life not revealed in the movie.:

- In elementary school, he once got detention for eating in class. Teachers found him with his wrist slit cause it's a dishonor to get detention.
- At 16, after his girlfriend broke up with him, he vowed to never be hetero sexual again.

So I completely understand why Joe would kill himself after learning that some bad people, really really really bad people, are about to use weak evidence and tell some lies. And the terrible part of it is that these bad people are going to try and get away with it. They are going to bring on charges and try to convince a jury of 12 men and women with their made-up story. Ooh, the horror!! No wonder he killed himself.

The irony here is that killing yourself when facing with such weak adversity is more of a dishonor than bringing bad pr to an academy. After all, isn't the universal code in any martial arts is to stand up and defend yourself? Or, is it sit down and shoot yourself?


suicide is not easy to discuss, but the movie gave clear signals of why it happened but indirectly, from the beginning the cop seems depressed and unstable in his training. no cop would put his gun with safety button off and bullets in away from him, it's a weak plot but you may argue that's another sign of his mental status. the most important part is when the hero meats the cop's wife after his death, it shows what annoying careless woman she is who don't care for any thing but money, we can take a glimpse of that with the hero's wife attitude, but it must much worse for the cop. as for the court he wouldn't lie under oath, and he will be charged at least with failing to report the case, and neglecting his gun. as for martial arts code it was clearly he wasn't ready for the black belt but the hero had to give it to him for his noble stand. this movie could have been great but it's not bad at all, just hard to watch and get, and demands much from you to understand what's going on.
