MovieChat Forums > Yattâman (2009) Discussion > Why does Omochama call everyone 'koron'?

Why does Omochama call everyone 'koron'?

Tell me, plz.

Where's my elephant?


From what I understand, that's just part of his character. No real reason, really.


Do you know what it means?

Where's my elephant?


Actually, it's not he "calls everybody koron".
It's just his unique way of speaking to add "koron" at the end.
And it sounds very childish to Japanese.

"Koron" itself has no specific meaning, except it can be used as
an onomatopoeia that describes tumbling of something small and light,
such as a dice.

In early stage of pre-production, Omotchama was called Saikoron,
as his body was modeled after pipped dice, which is called "saikoro" in Japanese.

In short, "koron"-speaking is to emphasize his characteristics: a childish robot in the shape of a dice.


cool, thanks.

Where's my elephant?
