Wow is this film overrated

It already was very unbelievable and then became ridiculously unbelievable when the final question was an absolute joke. A ton of people read Three Musketeer, and a million times more have seen at least 1 version of Three Musketeers movie and they ask this as a final question?!? Are you kidding me? That should have been 1st or 2nd question.

Very simplistic and naïve script designed for a mass simpletons.

And since when are shows like Who Wants to be a Millionaire aired live? What a joke.

And there were a bunch of other minor things that made little sense.


I would agree with you if the question had been on a western version of Who wants to be a Millionaire like the UK or the USA, but how do you know that the Three Muskerteers is so popular in India?

For example The Outsiders is a popular read book in the USA, but if you were to ask most British people about it they wouldn't have a clue. Unless of course their mum was a Brat Pack fan in the 80's and made them watch the movie.

Again how do you know in India WWTBAM isn't aired live. In fact the TV show ER once aired a live show, so it's not that far fetched.


The show can't possibly be live because the person who gets called (phone lifeline) must not know the question in advance. Otherwise they could look it up before getting called, and they and wouldn't even need to have it read to them by the contestant.


I think it's just a little bit over rated as well. I have several friends in India who felt Slumdog was a typical Bollywood film, nothing special. Their opinion.

It was well done, but the Oscar nominees for Best Picture that year weren't particularly strong or it probably wouldn't have won that award. IMO


It might have been overrated but when I rented it years ago I was intrigued by it and watched it again. I know it could never happen in a million years but I liked the concept.


It's not meant to be a literal piece, more of magical realism kind of storytelling. To your point it is not reasonable that he could do this. It's not meant to be either imo. His life is one of repeated improbabilities.

At the beginning of the movie when he is covered in sh*t, my father used to always say that this brought good fortune. I don't know if the storyline had this idea in mind but as I was thinking about it just now, I wondered if that might not be a part of it. My father was also from the old country.

As a good film though it really is. Cinematography, writing, music, pace, direction, acting, all of it really works well. I've just watched it for the 2nd time and it really holds up nicely. For me that's the test of a good film, staying power.


I disliked the movie for its grim reality,cruelty,abuse,and general unpleasantness.6 for me...




I disagree. I thought it was a wonderful film. I give it an 8.5/10, and I was so glad when it won the Oscar for Best Picture.
I was rooting for it, and for all the characters in the film.

