MovieChat Forums > The Narrows (2009) Discussion > Interview with 'The Narrows' author

Interview with 'The Narrows' author

The Narrows is based on a book called Heart of the Old Country. The book's author, Tim McLoughlin, was interviewed by The Brooklyn Eagle and he talks about the film a bit:

Q: This is a good time to be you — your first novel, “Heart of the Old Country,” has just been made into a film.

A: Yes, filming just wrapped last week. It was shot mostly out in Bay Ridge, and some indoor scenes were filmed in Astoria, Queens. But it was shot on location in Brooklyn.

Q: Did you stipulate that?

A: No, it was agreed upon. I think everyone wanted it that way. It's an independent film that's coming out by Serenade Films and Mister Nice Productions. I think it's Serenade's fourth movie, they've done “Game 6” and “Twelve and Holding” and “Great New Wonderful” — all pretty much on the same model. It's kind of guerrilla filmmaking and we've got some good people attached to it. Vincent D'onofrio and Kevin Zegers and Sophia Bush and Eddie Cahill are terrific actors. They really threw themselves into it, so I'm really happy with the way it comes off.

It's very much an out-of-body experience to suddenly see people walking around, saying words you've written, and acting out scenes you wrote. I'm sure it happens to anyone who has had their work adapted, but it's certainly never happened to me before.

Q: And they changed the name of the book for the film, from “Heart of the Old Country” to “The Narrows,” even though that debut novel was well received and got you selected as one of the “Great New Writers.”

The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe.


Personally, I think they should have retained the title, Heart Of The Old Country. Why the title change for the movie?

Captain Warren 'Rip' Murdock: I'm the brass-knuckles-in-the-teeth-to-dance-time type.


Good question. Possibly there were so many changes from the book (more "loosely based") that it didn't make sense.

The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe.


I just love it when they take a good book and then completely rewrite it. LOL I recognize the necessity of some changes to make the film "cinematic, but it's over done too often.

Captain Warren 'Rip' Murdock: I'm the brass-knuckles-in-the-teeth-to-dance-time type.
