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Pics from Q+A after the World Premiere at Toronto

On Monday, September 8, I attended the World Premiere of The Narrows at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival. It's a very intriguing and captivating film about brotherhood, family, and loyalty. Sophia Bush and Kevin Zegers drive the narrative, while Vincent D'Onofrio steals every scene he's in and provides most of the lighthearted moments in an otherwise violent, tension-filled story.

The gritty setting of Brooklyn, New York is another character in itself. Since Zegers plays a photographer, and a lot of the movie focuses on that, it has a great look. There are some exciting visuals such as the use of black & white stills, freeze-frame, and fast motion. The highlight is the third act, filled with twists and turns that are totally unexpected, and some stunning reveals that made the audience gasp.

I saw 25 films and there were so many excellent ones that I can't honestly say it was one of the best, but I'd give it a 4 out of 5.

The screening was followed by a lengthy, in-depth Q&A with cast members Sophia Bush (Kathy Popovich) and Kevin Zegers (Mike Manadoro). Star Vincent D'Onofrio could not attend, but director François Velle read a text message he sent to the audience.

Here are some pictures I shot of Kevin Zegers and Sophia Bush:

The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe.


Great pictures! She looks stunning.

This is my age! I'm in the prime of my youth and I'll only be young once.


Finally got the Q&A video split and posted -- new thread:

Sorry for the delay. Hope you enjoy!

The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe.
