Charles Durning.

In your opinion, how good was this actor (at the age of 85 no less) here?

Also, given this film's title and subject matter, how much computer-related technology of modern variety has this actor used and found out about in life?

Do you think he ever used a laptop or a desktop, especially in his 80s, like during 2000s, and has he ever sent an e-mail or surfed the internet?

Given that he died in late 2012 at 89, and a year AFTER Steve Jobs btw, did Charles Durning ever also find out about Ipad tablets, wi-fi, smartphones (has he ever sent a text on a mobile phone by the way?) and similar items?

And do you think when he was dying, he was regretting in his mind not living long enough to witness further progress of our mobile phones and free internet as well as possibly plasma TVs and digital cameras and whatnot?

In light of the fact that he also starred in this film?

Cause sometimes in life I wondered - if I die before my old age, how much more modern technological progress will I miss? What unique mobile phone feature will I miss in 20 years time if I die tomorrow?

