Will this air in the US?

Will this air in the US?





trust me... yoo wudnt want this show in the US....

What would it be like to get
#locked in a freezer
#struck by lightning
#get run over by a bus?


We can only hope it won't- it's the worst pile of c**p that I've seen in a long time.. It's an insult to everyone who watches it. I can only guess that the scripts were scribbled down in five minutes on a bus ticket. Please, we deserve a lot better than this. Considering we're paying for disney channel, we're not getting any value for money on this one.

My sincerest apologies in advance to anyone stateside that is ever unfortunate enough to see it, but i doubt they'll make the massive mistake of putting it on over there. Everyone I know who's seen it is of the same opinion- why? I'm sure there are better shows being written in this country (can't be any worse) that could have been taken by Disney. I feel heartily sorry for the actors, this isn't doing much for their reputations.


It really is...... crap.



Its planned to, but the idea was originally taken from the an Italian Disney chanel show so im guessing its going around the world; all a bid by Disney to control kids television global!



From where do you guys watch it? Just wondering.

I don't like it as much but it I saw from the UK.

You're the weak one. And you'll never know love... or friendship... and I feel sorry for you


ive seen it in the uk. the only reason i originally made a point of watching it was coz my friend is in it and we all wanted 2 see what the fuss was about when she kept missin exams and stuff for filming.

the one that is to air in the us is different to the one aired in the uk- it has diff characters and stuff so who knows, it may be a little better....


when i went to italy i saw it at a place we were staying at, i couldn't understand it and it was only like five minutes long


THE ANSWER IS YES. It is coming out in the US. Search "As the Bell Rings II" because they're coming out with versions in every country.



Not your version.
We've got our own with an American cast and setting, and it already aired on August 26, 2007.
