Why Compare This Movie?

Was ebossert's review about this movie, or Pan's Labyrinth?

I never understand why a person wants to convince someone else why they should like one movie over another by comparing it to another movie when there is no comparison. They each stand on their own. Everyone's taste varies. I liked both Pan's Labyrinth and this one! But why spend 9 paragraphs on a review talking more about a different movie, than the one being reviewed? No disrespect to ebossert from the US, but I would rather have the oppertunity to see all 3 movies, Hansel & Gretel, The Orphanage and Pan's Labyrinth, than to have only been able to see this one.


It's not just a bash on Pan's Labyrinth. My take is that we're dealing with weeaboo here who is offended that people like movies from places other than Asia.

I'm guessing his/her closet is full of Atlus tees as well.


I loved Pan's labyrinth but hated this. I thought it was boring and repetetive.

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"


Same, only I couldn't really hate it. I like the director's style and the set and wardrobe was Hollywood caliber, but the movie left a lot to be desired.
