MovieChat Forums > The Young Messiah (2016) Discussion > Interested if liked/disliked and Christi...

Interested if liked/disliked and Christian/Not Chrustian

My wife and I just saw the movie and thought it was beautiful and wonderful. I'm assuming must Christians will love this movie, with a few exceptions, and most atheists will hate it or find it boring.

So, could we do a survey? Did you like it, or not? And how do you feel about Jesus Christ? Are you a Christian?



Haven't seen it, will not see it. Jesus is a fictional character in a fictional book and no I use my brain to think with not to delude myself!


Good to know you don't need evidence for your opinion.


I'm not the one making claims about Jesus and god. You says god exists and Jesus is his son/him/a spirit, put forth evidence of that and we can have a discussion. Until then it's just as fictional and ludicrous as fairies, bigfoot, loch ness monster, alien abductions, leprechauns, santa etc.
By religious peoples logic it should be enough to say JohnJohnson68510 is a murderer and a jury should convict you for murder. Guess what, I can make that claim until I'm blue in the face but if I can't back it up with EVIDENCE it's a useless claim!


did you spill mountain dew on your dorito-stained trenchcoat typing all that edginess out, or did you just drop your fedora? I bet all the girls who friendzone you hate the fact that you are trying to get them to open their mind and read the god delusion with you.


I feel the love of Jesus in your post!


seriously? they didn't insult anyone. what a kind and loving god you represent.


Just another sad, angry atheist in denial with nothing logical to say.
Nothing to see here.


This isn't really a reasonable answer at all. I mean, even if you don't believe in Christian mythology, you could still enjoy the story. Do you only watch nonfiction films? That seems awfully limited...


i know right?


So you only watch documentaries?



fictional character in a fictional book

rather like a lot of movies then. Do you also not watch those.


Got to love when people post, not answering the question, not intelligent enough to answer the question, just babbling nonsense they can't keep inside any longer because their meds won't allow them to simply keep quiet or stay on topic.


Either the bible is not factual and your claims are idiotic, or the bible is factual and Jesus was a racist pile of ***t.

I also find it rich you implied climate change/the big bang are myths in that other post, when they have tons of evidence collected through the scientific method (with more gathered every day), and you say some stories written in 1 book, edited by who knows how many dishonest people over the generations, are somehow factual? A university degree doesn't imply anything, particularly when you prove that you're not adept at critical thinking like you have.

And another thing, your "genius-level IQ" is laughable when you haven't even looked up what IQ tests were designed to measure...



i'm a christian...and an avid movie watcher. there's a lot of things wrong with this movie but i'd recommend it to my christian friends and christians in general. not sure i "get" why atheists and the like come on this board and bash christianity....i get that the american society views christian bashing as "vogue", but i just don't get coming on HERE and arguing with christians. i don't see one circumstance where i would go to an athieistic movie's message board and argue but, hey, some people's "life's" are defined in different ways.


Well... the author of the book did say she quit being a christian not long after the second book was published and appears to have abandoned work on the third book. So, that's interesting.

> .i get that the american society views christian bashing as "vogue",

The only people who get that are the ones with a persecution complex. The christian church has occupied a position of privilege in this country for centuries and that privilege is certainly in decline. But its still far and away more dominant than any other religion. When you are top dog, complaining about the little dogs doesn't garner much sympathy.


Yes it's true that Christian-bashing is in vogue, doesn't cost anything and is easy. And if you're a teenager, then your peers think you are cool. In contrast, if you bash a certain other religion, especially in the UK, you might even get a visit from the police, or have Face Book delete your post or profile. Many movies have atheism as the viewpoint, and Christians don't go on IMDb boards and rant and rave. I am not a Christian, but I don't get the behaviour of militant atheists, either.


> Many movies have atheism as the viewpoint,

Really? Many movies?
Only if you consider movies that simply don't concern themselves with religion as having "atheism as the viewpoint."

The tiny few movies that do explicitly have atheism as a viewpoint get flooded with militant christians complaining. Remember The Golden Compass? That was a sihtstorm. Even simply deviating from orthodoxy will get people worked up, like those uber catholics who firebombed theaters showing Scorese's The Last Temptation of Christ.


Yeah, just my opinion, but I think the majority of movies do not have a Christian viewpoint, more atheist most of them. Yeah, not concerned with religion. Just look at the movies showing today... Christian viewpoint? Nah, don't think so. Atheist, or if you prefer, secular viewpoint. The Golden Compass I would say was anti-Christian rather than just secular.


Well if not having a viewpoint is a viewpoint, then not collecting stamps is my hobby.


Atheism is a viewpoint. Secularism is a viewpoint. It's how people view the world.


You seem intent on defining atheism as being in opposition to religion and that's a very common brain fart for people who are religious. They can not conceive of a life without some sort of faith. While there certainly are some atheists who are really anti-theists, atheism as a general principle is simply nothing at all.

Now I'm afraid I don't have the time to continue debating this, as you see, I am just too busy not collecting stamps.


Hm. "Brain fart." No need to get patronising and insulting. It's just a film forum.

Guess what? I'm not religious. But I enjoy reasoned discussion.

Being "nothing at all" IS a viewpoint. That is what you are not getting.

Look up "logical" and "rhetorical arguments".


> Being "nothing at all" IS a viewpoint. That is what you are not getting.

A movie that does not mention a religion is no more atheist than a movie that does not mention sex is promoting abstinence.

> Guess what? I'm not religious.

You don't have to still be religious to see the world through the mental lens of religion.


Most movies are non-Christian. People in the movies have sex outside of marriage, they swear, they rely on their own strength, they kill and uber-kill without remorse or pangs of conscious, and they very rarely, almost never, pray.

And a lot of the Christian-bait offered to the public is done by people who don't understand Christianity (Ridley Scott, or the guy who did Noah, etc.)

According to some article I read on Box Office Mojo, Hollywood considers about a third of the American public to be what they call "values" audience, but these values (temperance, modesty, sobriety, chastity, etc.) are, well, not the things that pop into your mind when you think of Hollywood and its people.


I thought it was a decent enough film. The film makers had to walk a fine line, I think, when relating any non-canonical story about Jesus. And add to that the difficulty in creating any suspense or fear for the boy's safety when the outcome is already known by pretty much anyone who walks in the theater. But it held my interest, even though it felt a little like a cable mini-series.

It's a fascinating question: how does one come to grips with one's own godhood? (Whether you believe or not doesn't really detract from the fascination.) I guess I would have liked to see more of that. Perhaps it would have been better suited for an older Jesus, one just before the events depicted in the gospel? It would have allowed for a more contemplative performance.

For what it's worth, I'm an atheist, but was religiously educated as a child, and have also taken classes on religious literature (not exclusively Christian) at the graduate level and taught one at the undergraduate level.

I'd also like to say that I appreciate the openness of your question, and I'm sorry that some (on both sides of the issue) took it as an opportunity to post a diatribe instead of just answering the question.


Dea-d'sr, you're right, that would be a great dramatic effect and, oh, a great phenomenological inquiry -- to really dig deep into what it was like as he came into, or realized, his Divinity. As a Christian, I'd prefer it be done about Christ, but it could be done with Buddha or, well, someone who's visage could be shown as they came to believe. Maybe Zarathustra. Brother Son, Sister Moon has some of that in it. And thank you for your civility.


I am not a Christian, and I found it rather dull and pedestrian, but then most Jesus movies bore me. (The Passion of the Christ being the only exception that comes to mind). Honestly, I only watched it because Sean Bean was in it; he was good, as he always is, and it's the kind of character that he plays well, even if it wasn't a particularly great role.



i like your post except there are plenty of "leftist" Christians. I am one. i really dont like when people try to equate Christians equal republican? I too have a genius IQ but you should know if you have to post your degree status and IQ all the time people will be less limely to take your opinion seriously. I dont say this to be rude just something I learned myself from experience.


I enjoyed it very much. I consider myself a Christian but I am not overly religious and do not ascribe to a specific denomination.

I am sorry that this discussion has turned into a "flame bait". I believe that you posed a good topic for discussion.


I liked it 😃. Not Christian (anymore) but I thought the story was interesting and the performances were good. I don't think you have to be religious to enjoy a movie based on religious stories or myth.

I was surprised to find out that's this is adaptation of a book written by Anne rice. Ya vampires to Jesus lol! Then again Lestat was kinda like a dark Jesus.

🐬 ma ink
