Out if curiosity for the guys

I know some of the people were ridiculously clueless but do the guys agree with what Alex said guys? Haha
Specifically about the part about if a guy likes you he will make it happen. Sure makes sense but I'm sure some guys are just as shy as girls when it comes to asking out someone you like rather than someone you just want to hook up with. But maybe i'm wrong.


It's MUCH MORE difficult to talk to someone you like. And that's the reason girls mostly fall for guys who are pr!cks, as they are relaxed around girls 'cause they don't care. Girls think these guys are "cool", where in fact they aren't into anything serious and will not commit into a serious relationship, and some other guy who truly likes her can't even approach her because he thinks she is so perfect and wouldn't be interested in him.

How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise my hands.


Wow, that is probably true. I never had thought of that. You should write a book...it IS more complicated that this movie makes it out to be.


Well that *beep* sucks. guys just need to grow some balls cause then, how are girls supposed to differentiate between a shy guy who is too scared to approach you or a guy who is just not that into you??

...Checking how many f#cks will be given today... Sorry, no f#cks will be given today.


Freaking this!!!!^ For real though. If that's the case, how the crap are we supposed to tell if he's just shy or if he's actually legit just not into us?

This is my signature.


Freaking this!!!!^ For real though. If that's the case, how the crap are we supposed to tell if he's just shy or if he's actually legit just not into us?

Because they don't wanna tell us the truth. The truth is, most guys will lie then tell the truth because they don't really wanna own up to it. Having closure is impossible when they make up excuses like "read the signs." One can take a hint or several sure, a real man owns his truth, be it brutal and or genuine disinterest. They refuse to be called out on it because it makes us a "nag." LOL I have to laugh at the stupidity of the made up terms they use to try and play victim.

Everybody is entitled to my opinion.


Shy doesn't apply in this case. In the character's situation there had already been an exchange of a date, or in the very least of phone numbers in which case if a guy likes you, he will absolutely call you back and "make it happen".

It's the initial approach that is the detriment to shy men.


Yes, Chief nailed it.

If you're go on a date with a guy, it will be clear on if he likes you or not.

I will say that when I met my fiance, I did not put her in the girlfriend category...but she kept staying persistant. We would just hang out as friends for a few months and then one day low and behold, I saw her in a different light.

Her side is that she just remained persistant.

But I liked her enough that I would still talk to her.

My signs that someone isn't into you:

1. They never travel to be with you.
2. They don't talk a lot, and don't initiate emails/phonecalls.
3. They don't ask you out.
4. They give you half ass plans, because they are waiting to see if something better comes along.
5. They lose all interest once they sleep with you (once or a few times).

If these things are happening with you - chances are they are giving you "the fade". (fading out of your life)



Shyness comes into it BEFORE the date (I'm shy). If I already got over it and we've been talking or whatever and I want to see you again I WILL tell her, plain and simple. If not I'll be vague and then not call.



I think this movie depicted guys as having WAY too much control of the relationship than they have in reality.

And this is coming from a guy.


Its like this. If a guy really likes you but doesn't know how to play the game he will make an effort to see you. If he doesn't make an effort to see you he either isn't into you or he is playing a game.

Here is the bottom line if there is a guy who is really into you and is trying (even if its a little too hard) give him a chance, because you never know.


I asked some similar questions and did a whole piece with multiple guys and gals (married and single). Check it out
and let me know what you thinkā€¦

Part 1
http://chickflicksandbeer.blogspot.com/2009/08/hes-just-not-that-into- you-2009-part-1.html

Part 2
http://chickflicksandbeer.blogspot.com/2009/08/hes-just-not-that-into- you-2009-part-2.html

Part 3
http://chickflicksandbeer.blogspot.com/2009/09/hes-just-not-that-into- you-2009-part-3.html



I've read the non-fiction book that this film is based on. Alex is the book's voice. A lot of his dialogue are quotes taken directly from the book. According to this book, Alex is correct.


It's been more than two years but... Yes, I'm that kind of guy. I've been trying to get out of it but I'm pretty shy and, as someone else says, it's much easier to talk to someone you don't like.
So..there's no hard rules


It takes 2 to make it happen, the way Alex makes it sounds is as though the guy just relentlessly pursues his prey until she can no longer run lol

Before even approaching a woman I like to know that she is receptive, eye contact, a smile, or just the way she responds to a compliment or question. If there is nothing coming from her than I am hardly going to keep on talking to her hoping she will change her mind.

I'm not interested in playing the types of games that Alex talks about. I also felt that Gigi was playing games too she just thought she wasn't.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.


I have to agree. I switched channels on this flick after the barroom scene early on wherein the bartender goes through his standard routine of handing his card to the girl, implying that she should give him a call. Doing that, he avoids the risk of rejection that would come with asking for her card, thus indicating that he really is not all that interested. She then, however, reacts foolishly, as if not comprehending the basic power play, by pursuing him down the bar and demanding that he commit to showing more interest, when they are nothing more than strangers. I don't think anyone, even silly, manipulative young women really behave that way.
