I don't like it

It's just meh to me.

I don't expect "Don't Forget the Lyrics" to be any better

Marc Summers for the Price is Right!


just watched...I thought it was terribly lame. and the dancers look like they're just bumbling around and don't know the choreography


I was dog sitting and played along. I liked it , for now . It is getting crazy with all of the "talent" shows out there. I wanna try this! I live far away from L.A but I remember a lot of Music from years ago! I Could do it!



I think the game is too easy. So easy that it's boring to watch. And the dancers were cheesy as hell.

Baba mi Ogun modupue


I liked it, a bit staged, but it was a feel-good show and I got to hear bits of songs that I hadn't heard for a long time and forgot that I knew the workd to. Fatone is a pretty good host too. It will not make it long, but I will enjoy it while it's on.

"In order to be sane, one has to be a bit insane"---BC
