MovieChat Forums > The Singing Bee (2007) Discussion > 'All that liver sisco wa'....???

'All that liver sisco wa'....???

Okay, I know she's just a little girl, but seriously, did she think that was what Smash Mouth was singing? Did she think being in a commercial would be "cool" even if she looked like a complete idiot in it? Wouldn't her mother have to have signed a release, didn't she care that her kid was going to look foolish in front of an entire country?!

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


Wasn't that from Don't Forget the Lyrics?

Marc Summers for the Price is Right!


No, because in the commercial it went right from her to the band singing the line right and then to tonight's winner singing "Only shootin' stars break the mold".

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


Ok I didn't see it tonight.
It's hard to remember which show people were singing for...just that they were always wrong in the commercials.

Marc Summers for the Price is Right!


Yeah, I wasn't sure until tonight which one it was a commercial for, either, that's why I didn't post this until now. I just feel bad for that girl. She's going to be mercifully attacked by her "friends". I can hear it now, "Hey, how's your liver, Sisco Wa?"

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


That's nothing. I feel bad for the children in the Goodnight's Underwear commercials. One of them actually said once, (on TV for all to see) "I don't want my friends to find out, because then I would be embarassed."

Forgive me, if I sound like a bitch, but seriously, that's a little odd, no?

Wanna get laid?
Crawl up a chicken's ass and wait.


True, but at least that kid has the defense of explaining that he was playing a role. Granted, the other kids may not accept that answer, but it is worth something, anyway. This kid has no excuse other than, "I'm not too bright."

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


True as well, but who's to say this girl wasn't merely playing a role?

Wanna get laid?
Crawl up a chicken's ass and wait.
