Theme Song

What are the lyrics to the theme song? It sounds like "Take a chance, purple pants, make some money; Do a dance let us all get it started, SING!" But I highly doubt that is right.
"I was really rockin' that David Spade haircut!"
-Tina Fey


*Sing! Choose a song, Come along, Join the party. Bee! take a chance, get up dance, get it started. Sing!*

Ben Grimm forever!


Not bad, but I kinda like the "purple pants" version, too!


What is Purple Pants?

Ben Grimm forever!


simple stated, pants of purple coloring. It gets complex though, you know physics, chemistry, etc.I have a science journal about purple pants if you would like to purchase a subscription.
"I was really rockin' that David Spade haircut!"
-Tina Fey
