
I don't understand why Brian takes a crap on that nasty toilet. O.K. so he picked the lesser of the two evils and found one with the least amount of feces on the seat and wall. But, his two friends are more than happy to lie on the floor and peek under the stall and one actually stands on the toilet full of crap just to snap a picture of him dropping some timber. I find that highly unlikely.

As for the outhouse. Why would that dude sit down on a seat full of crap and worms. Why not birth a meatloaf outside where your arse can swing free in the breeze rather than compressed between the cold seat and caked on dookie?

Can someone please explain this to me?

Oh, I gave the movie 10 stars in spite of the fecal matter issues. It rocks.


I agree with you, no matter how much someone has to go, I don't see how a toilet seat with not only several different people's feces, but also worms and who knows what else on it, would be an acceptable option. You can hold it a little longer to go stand in line at the other restroom, or you can just do it in the woods, like you said.

Then again, if he hadn't done that, we wouldn't have had the most graphic scene in the movie :S

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