
Hi, I'm new to the board but not new to the game. There's this part in the game where Drake enters a place where there is water everywhere and there are pillars. It's where he says something like, "This place sure needs a plumber." How in the hell do you pass that place in crushing???? I've died too many times to count and I just couldn't pass that part. Can anyone please help me? Any help would be truly appreciated!!

On a lighter and more different note, is there going to be a sequel? I just think this game deserves a sequel. Thanks!!




Thanks! Since I didn't have enough points, I have been doing the whole running, shooting, and praying, but after countless tries and very many frustrated (cussing) yells, that was why I decided to post my question on IMDB. Thanks again! You've been such a great help!


there is no other way, you need to unlock unlimited ammo or one shot kill.

'Don't make me BUST you up Man'
