MovieChat Forums > Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (2007) Discussion > If there is a movie adaptation...

If there is a movie adaptation...

If there was to be a movie adaptation of Uncharted, and there has been talk about it... Who would you consider to play the lead three roles of Nathan, Sully and Elena?

I haven't thought about Sully and Elena but for Nathan I really like the look of Matthew Davis -

I really think he looks as close to Nathan Drake as you will get without the movie being motion capture.


Nathan Fillion for NATE.

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


Agreed. Nathan for NATE!!!

If Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer, so can Mr. T... all he has to do is punch Chuck Norris.


He looks nothing like him! Just has the same first name.


gerard butler actually kinda looks like him. (although maybe a little too old)


I'd only watch it if Bruce Campbell was Sully. Also Nathan Fillion definate for Nate, just because he can pull it off so well. Watch Firefly and Serenity then you'll see.



How has no one mentioned J.K. Simmons for Sully? Bruce Campbell is a god but I think Simmons would be tons better. As for Drake I would say David Boreanaz would be a decision I wouldn't argue with.


my top 3 choices would be

Chris Evans, RYan Reynolds, or Jensen Ackles


To me, this is like Solid Snake..there is only one man that is Nate, it's Nolan North.

Or Nathan Fillion, simialr attitudes adn such.


Me and all my friends also think that it should be Chris Evans. He just has It factor for the role of Nate.


Joe Flanigan for Nate, has the look and the character of Col. Shepherd is a dead ringer for Drake's personality.

Sarah Michelle-Gellar (sp?) for Elena - no seriously, I think she could pull it off.

Sully? That's a tough one. No one springs immediately to mind.

A humble reflection before the onrushing descent is he; Not able to turn back, anymore.


If anyone could play Sully it would HAVE to be Craig T. Nelson (i.e. Mr. Incredible). When I first played the game I seriously thought that he was doing the voice for Sully.

As for Nate, I would normally be on the Nathan Fillion train, but I'd maybe go with Chris Pine on this one.

The best person I could think of for Elena is Amy Adams; she's a great and versatile actress, and I think she needs a good action adventure role.


I LOVE the idea of Nathan Fillion for Nate Drake, though the idea of Chris Pine is AWESOME, but I think that James Roday would be PERFECT!

Elena could be played by Rachel Taylor


For Elena, I'd go with Anna Torv. She's great on Fringe, clearly knows how to play a tough girl, and can handle a firearm on screen with the best of 'em. Plus out of all the actresses that have been mentioned (and others that I can think of off the top of my head), she actually looks the most like Elena.


I know he's kind of old, but Dylan Mcdermott NEEDS to play Drake. I pictured him as Drake the ENTIRE movie.



James Lafferty for Nate.


Screw it all. Just get the voice actors to play their characters on screen: they look close enough and you wouldn't lose the chemistry between all of them



James Roday, Rachel Taylor, and Bruce Campbell.


Omg I agree...he was who I thought of first but I doubt there will be enough people behind him to get him on the choice list. Shame.

And I'm laughing my head off at some of the suggestions for Elena...seriously?? lol

"Tool up, honey bunny. It's time to get bad guys."


For Nate I would definitely cast Nathan Fillion. Bruce Campbell as Sully. For Elena, I would cast Traylor Howard, I haven't really seen her since Two Guys and a Girl but the whole time I was playing it I could have sworn that she was voicing the character. Minor characters: Billy Zane as Gabriel Roman and Clifton Collins Jr. as Eddy Raja.


chris pine for nate

why do you insist on looking
