
When the girls are having their little fashion show - each trying on Carrie's clothes prior to her packing them away - my skin crawls when Samantha is sliding herself up and down the closet door. Eww!!
What kind of 49-year old woman acts like that???
Not to mention that Charlotte doesn't want her daughter to even hear the word 'sex' but she lets her witness something like that?
We get hammered over the head with how oversexed Samantha is supposed to be but that scene is just too ridiculous to believe.


I'm assuming Samantha was playing around just like when Carrie was crawling on the floor. I'm sure they were all feeling pretty buzzed after 2 bottles of champagne which would account for Charlotte's lax feelings on the whole charade.

You can call me 'Mayor Chapstick.'


Beau29 Are you from a time machine from back in 1904??? Crawling on the floor? OMG!!!! I bet you would have PTSD if she was butt azz naked!



1904? Maybe so... but in my time machine we learned how to read.

Go back to my post. As you can see, I did not say 'Crawling on the floor.'
I said my skin crawls when Samantha is sliding her crotch up and down on a closet door.

I find it unlikely that a 49-year old woman would do that in front of her friends and a toddler.

Your comment is not only inaccurate, it's unnecessarily rude.


well, your silly "gross" indicates youre either old or just single and bitter. Hint-public forum :-)


Yes, that's me... silly, old, single and bitter.

I simply posted my thoughts on a scene from the movie. Thank you for turning it into a personal attack.

IMDb is lucky to have members like you to weed out idiots like me.


you made it personal by stating women in their 40s cant be sexual, or that's its gross if they do-of course people are going to respond to such a dumb comment! Women peak sexually in their 40s and Kim Catrall was beyond sexy in this! You need to lighten up, lady. Maybe join or something. That area down there is meant for fun!!


That area down there? My apologies... I didn't realize I was dealing with a 9 year old.

I found one scene to be unrealistic. How do you twist that into my saying women in their 40s can't be sexual?

My comment was about a fictional character: Samantha Jones - not Kim Catrall.
I'm sorry if you can't differentiate between fantasy and reality.

If you're taking my post so seriously that you feel the need to offer advice on how I should live my life, it's YOU who needs to lighten up.

I'm sure you'll respond to this since you'll want the last word, but rest assured you'll get no reply from me. Maybe now you can move on and help another dumb, bitter old lady.


Well, I have to reply because your post is a lie.
You named your post "gross" which indicates your level of maturity is pretty low.
I twisted nothing. You stated the character's age and her expression of sexuality as gross. Why mention her age if you weren't commenting on sexuality and age?
Kim Catrall is Samantha- that's who we all see on screen. We don't know Kim as a person so for all intents and purposes in a comment about her, "they're" the same.
I'm 43.
No commentary my back. You promised. Now go get laid. It'll help, I promise.


I have to agree! what is odd to me is that someone who thinks Samantha (Kim) is gross, or that a 49 year old doesn't act that way would even go to a movie like this. No sense in arguing with someone who doesn't get it. Also, I don't think this person who posted is old. My thought was she is very young (20's) who views life as a 49 year old as dull. She probably thinks by that time we should all be wearing stockings with Naturalizer sandals and knitting.... While serving our equally "old" husbands and baking with the grandkids......things Samantha (or Kim Catrall for that matter) would NEVER do. If I were in my 20's (or any age) -- as a woman-- I am happy to see strong, funny, and yes- sexually interested 40-something's portrayed in movies. Further, I bet If Mae West, Rita Hayworth, Vivien Leigh or many other actresses who were strong, gorgeous and intelligent were in their 40's now--- they'd feel the same.


Well said. :)


And it's SEX in the city, ma'am. You definitely need to lighten up. Maybe watch Downton Abbey instead? :)


You seem to be an expert directing ad hominem attacks to people just because they disagree with you. I have read some of your posts. The OP expressed an opinion, there is no need to be nasty.

I like tea


Prude Alert!!!!


It's now prudish to opine that doing a quasi-stripper act in front of a 5 year old girl is possibly out of order? Good grief.
