MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (2008) Discussion > If you haven't watched the series, why w...

If you haven't watched the series, why would you watch this?

So many critics sneered and snarled at this film, upon release. Yet many of them had never seen an episode of the television series.

Here's my review of the film. lm-review-by-gareth-rhodes/


Because they are critics whose job is to review movies.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Granted, then why wasn't my point highlighted in any of the reviews? Part of a film reviewer's job is to work out the angles and understand the place of something in the grand expanse of time and space. The film wasn't reviewed for people who like Sex and the City, yet it WAS made for them. It just seems terribly short-sighted.


Because you can't expect a movie critic to go watch the entire series first or to pass on a movie. Any movie needs to be able to work without being viewed solely as a companion piece to an existing work.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


That's BS. "The highest form of ignorance is to pass judgment on something you know nothing about." ------of a so-called critic doesn't want to put the time into truly knowing characters (which in this case means watching the series) then they should pass the assignment onto someone else.

Would you take advice about your heart health from an Ear, nose and throat specialist????


I watched it because when I saw the preview I thought it looked fun. I'd never seen the series


I watched the film because the preview was cute and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. I had never seen the show up to that point. I LOVED the movie. I thought everyone played their roles well, I loved the fashion, the music, and I loved the story. After seeing the movie I watxhed the show


'Cause someone gave me a copy.
