MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (2008) Discussion > big HAD his 2 weddings, so shouldve shut...

big HAD his 2 weddings, so shouldve shut up already

he goes on about how this is his 3rd wedding and how does it make him look. well lots of girls tend to look forward to getting married so he shouldve shut up and let carrie have her one & only wedding - since he already had 2, instead of implying she should just be ok with a courthouse wedding. dink


I'm with you there. I've noticed that throughout the series...Carrie was always giving in to Big, always trying to justify his ways and never fully putting herself first. He should have never bitched about the guest list or anything to do with the wedding. After all he put her through, he should have told her "Whatever you want, Carrie." At the very least, she should have said to him "Hey, it's my one and only wedding. It's not my fault it took you til the third try to get it right!" She was probably afraid he would retreat back to singledom and dump her needy ass again. That's no way to live, people!


Carrie was always giving in to Big, always trying to justify his ways and never fully putting herself first.

Hahaha! Did we watch the same show? Carrie always put herself first (not just with Big either). That was the problem. She always wanted/pushed Big to be exactly where she was, say exactly what she wanted him to say, do exactly what she wanted him to do, and be exactly who she wanted him to be and when he didn't/couldn't she got pissed off and called it off. The first time they split up was because she kept expecting him to be on exactly the same page as she was and he wasn't. She wanted him to tell her she was 'the one' and because he couldn't do it as he wasn't ready to say it (although he still wanted to be with her), she broke up with him.

He should have never bitched about the guest list or anything to do with the wedding.

Yes, how dare he try and have any say in his own wedding!

After all he put her through,

Their relationship was very evenly mixed of who put the other through more crap. She was always just as bad as he was.

she should have said to him "Hey, it's my one and only wedding. It's not my fault it took you til the third try to get it right!"

Well his second attempt at marriage was ruined by having an affair with Carrie, so she's not completely blameless on that one.


Agreed. Because of who she was, the wedding was going to be somewhat newsworthy with 75 guests or 200 guests. She was in Vogue, for goodness sakes! The horse had left the barn already when it came to the wedding being publicized.

If you're not responding to me, "reply" to the post you're responding to. kthanks.


Vincent Kartheiser and Alexis Bledel managed to get married quietly in June with guests like Jon Hamm and Matt Weiner, and they kept it out of the papers until yesterday. Just sayin'.

The whole wedding fiasco in the SatC movie further drove home for me Carrie's obsession with appearances over substance. She used the Westwood dress (which I loathed) as an excuse to keep blowing up the wedding. While Big was off designing and paying for the closet of Carrie's dreams in the gorgeous new penthouse apartment, she was living out some fantasy that others were imposing on her, starting with that dress. Just 'cause Westwood gave it to her didn't mean she had to wear it. And just 'cause 125 additional people wanted to come to her wedding didn't mean she had to invite them. She had a much easier time saying "no" to her supposed beloved than to people who DON'T MATTER.


When she blamed the dress I interpreted that as sarcasm. The wedding would have blown up no matter what.


Really? Nothing in her intonation or facial expression suggested to me that Carrie was being sarcastic. (I.e., her trademark exaggerated eyeroll was totally missing.) She may have used the dress as an excuse, but the wedding didn't "blow up" on its own. It gave Carrie entrée to the event she clearly wanted her wedding to be, which would have been fine if she'd been upfront with Big about that sooner than, oh, the rehearsal dinner. :-)


Exactly i hated that part. I also hated how Carrie didn't answer him by going 'but its my FIRST marriage'. That should have been enough to shut his selfish ass up. Since when does anyone notice the guy at a wedding anyway?

Ashmi any question


Since when does anyone notice the guy at a wedding anyway?

Erm, since always? He's the groom! His part in the wedding is just as important as the bride's.


To you maybe, most people are just patiently awaiting to see the bride and her dress. Hence the reason why the bride gets to have the grand entrance on the wedding day.


That may be true but I really do hate the view that it's all about the bride and her alone, which a lot of people seem to have. There are two people in any wedding and the groom is just as important and what he wants matters just as much as the bride.


It is more about the bride though.


Exactly, I agree totally.
The selfish git!!


Big is the biggest twit. There's something so vulgar about him without being obvious. Selfish is right.

I'm a seeker too. But my dreams aren't like yours...


He was always insensitive throughout the whole series. I mean, how could he easily marry Natasha, without blinking, but with Carrie, he had cold feet? Then not wanting to give her her dream wedding. I don't see what she saw in him. He always seemed to treat her like crap.

Well, I mean like, ok so...


Big had been married twice before but for all we know both weddings might have been at City Hall.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


Actually, where he had his first wedding is never mentioned but hodie, i guess you never watched the series because in Season 3, ep 3, "Attack of the 5'10 Woman"
Charlotte reads the wedding announcement, Big and Natasha were married in South Hampton... They had a big fancy wedding, and in my opinion, Carrie deserved the same.

"Go and find your life Miss Skeeter"~ The Help


There are quite a few things that bother me about Big. In this movie, I truly hate the way he throws the doors open and shows Carrie her friends. Yes, it was a nice thing to do but he gets entirely too excited.
This leads me back to the last episode of the show, when Carrie is in Paris. When she accidentally tells him that the Russian slapped her, he goes straight into warrior mode, flying up the stairs with Carrie behind him. When they get to the top floor and she trips him, they roll around and start giggling, forgetting all about the Russian. Then, when they are walking down the street, he teases her about how she came to France only to be slapped. More giggling. He has just never struck me as a giggler.
Anyone feel the same?

And you sittin' there waitin' for him, just like a spider.


I disagree with that, actually. There were a few times during the series where he openly joked around and laughed with/at Carrie - when she farted in bed, when she had to write that poem for the wedding ("love, glove, dove"), when they fell in the pool at the country club because she was trying to avoid his kiss. He wasn't an overly emotional person in general, but there were times when you could see that he had a sense of humor. Carrie brought it out in him. The giggling about the Russian and the excitement after the wedding I think were just signs that Big was genuinely happy at the time.


What you say makes sense. I was reminded of the episode where they fall into to pond at Central Park. It's just something in his face that seem really goofy and not like his character usually was.

And you sittin' there waitin' for him, just like a spider.


Completely agree. Big was funny in the series. He was always joking and making funny comments and having a laugh. His moments of doing similar in the movies were very in keeping with his character.


exactly. Even the engagement party was held at The Plaza. Big clearly had no problem with splashing out for Natasha.


Personally, I thought his reaction made a bit of sense. He was caught off guard. Last he heard, the wedding was going to be 75 people, and then she goes and throws the number "200" at him out of the blue. That's more than double what he was expecting.

I think the difference was that, to Big, the "wedding" was really more of a formality and just something on his "To-Do" List. Pick up groceries, close the deal on the new apartment, get married, schedule meeting with business associates, etc. He wanted to get on with his life as normal as quickly as possible, and he didn't think that he and Carrie were "big wedding" people (she even declined an engagement ring). Granted, he could have been a bit more sensitive to the fact that it was her first wedding, but I think Carrie could have also done a better job of communicating just how important the wedding was to her. Up until that point, she had taken the same stance as he had - we're grown ups now, we're practically married anyway, let's just get the piece of paper and make it official. No muss, no fuss. It was a bigger deal to her than she let on, or even initially realized. And when she figured it out, she didn't talk to him about it. She just sprung it on him out of nowhere.


I agree with tigerlily, she kept adding and adding to the wedding without telling him.

Later when she says she kept talking about how she said "I, I, I" in the article and never "we" she was spot on. A wedding, as much as a girl plans her day, is about BOTH the bride and groom. She basically stopped communicating to him, and he freaked. This was about more than a fancy wedding, it was about her turning into a Bridezilla and him wondering where the woman he proposed to went.

BTW I'm not justifying what he did either, I was furious for him and was cheering when she hit him with the flowers, he should have ALSO communicated with her, and believed her when she tried to put his fears to rest.


My feeling is that she wanted the small wedding at the court house as well, until the dress came into the picture.
She even say's to him when he asks how it got up to 200 "It's the dress" and likens it to poker and upping the ante. The big wedding to me was about her showing off her gorgeous Vivianne Westwood wedding gown, it wasn't about her and him anymore.


"It's the dress" was such a feeble excuse. It was Carrie's weak-willed submission to keeping up appearances, IMO. I elaborated in a post above.


Well you can't really blame her for that.


But why is everything about him? throughout their relationship everything was always about him. Carrie was always walking on eggshells around him, adjusting her life to his, trying not to upset him so he wouldn't bolt. He kept jerking her around, being all nice and loved up and then just announcing that he would be moving to paris for a while.

After all that, why should Carrie have to keep doing all that? Why should she have to keep adjusting everything to his needs? I think her needs, what she wants should be at the forefront for once.


But why is everything about him? throughout their relationship everything was always about him. Carrie was always walking on eggshells around him, adjusting her life to his, trying not to upset him so he wouldn't bolt. He kept jerking her around, being all nice and loved up and then just announcing that he would be moving to paris for a while.

That was all years ago and they were different people at this point. Carrie let all of that go when Big told her "you're the one" in the series finale. Frankly, if my significant other kept bringing up my past mistakes every time he wanted something, years after he had supposedly "forgiven" me for them, I'd be quite annoyed.

After all that, why should Carrie have to keep doing all that? Why should she have to keep adjusting everything to his needs? I think her needs, what she wants should be at the forefront for once.

The thing is, I don't think Big would have had a problem with the wedding being "all about Carrie", if that's what she told him she wanted. But she didn't. She said it was about "two adults, making a commitment". She didn't want a ring, and she said she wanted a small wedding. He let her do all the planning. All she needed to do was keep him in the loop, which she didn't do.

I don't at all agree with him running out on the wedding. But his initial reaction to the 200 people? I get it.


Thank you! I completely agree.
