Louise and her boyfriend

I know this is a minor plot point, but this guy breaks up with her because he doesn't think she's the one, and then she gets back together with him and gets engaged? I would never get back with anyone who would break up with me for that reason - it implies he thought he could do better, dated around, realized he couldn't, and then wanted me back. I would want someone who thought the world of me all along. Anyone else feel the same?


Yes I have always felt that as well. Would never marry a man who told me at some point that I wasn't 'the one'.


Exactly, but there wasn't a lot of time devoted to Louise, so they had her get married so she could leave the story with a happy ending. They got engaged really quickly. I think if you do decide to get back with an ex, you should really take your time to make sure it will work this time since you know it didn't work before. If the guy thought it once, I think the odds are high he'll think it again at some point.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


To be fair, if their plot had been fleshed out a little more, it's possible that he wasn't necessarily "settling" for her after a search for something better, but rather realizing he was a jerk for losing her in the first place. Believe me, it happens. We just don't know their story.


I have to agree with you on that.


Maybe they needed to spend some time apart to realize how good he had it with her. You don't know what you've got till it's gone.
