A huge disappointment.

The entire fourth series/season was not good. It was okay, but definitely not a good way to end a show. It just left a lot to be desired, and considering it's the last EVER series, it's disappointing to see it end like this.


-Belle is practically unlikeable in almost every episode. Selfish is the word.
-Ben has become an idiot.
-Her new home is not her at all. She's lost a sense of identity in this series. All she does is argue and leave...and occasionally sleep! lol.
-Belle and Ben's "relationship" is awful. Just constant arguing. They barely have any fun together in the fourth series. Too much arguing.
-There were some hot male clients (IWAN!!)...and no/little nudity! So much for being the 'raunchiest' series yet. Probably the tamest.
-The clients weren't exciting. The weirdest ones yet.
-Good actors like John Hopkins being reduced to bit roles.
-Characters such as Stephanie's daughter and Charlotte are just filler. Both ultimately served no real point.
-Bambi is sorely missed.
-Stephanie is barely in the fourth series :(
-They made it almost seem comical with all these random funny moments/flashbacks. I know SD has never been the most serious show, but it felt like more silliness was being thrown in.

And the final ever episode was extra short and not great. The last ever scene was ruined by the fact that Billie Piper looked like a clown/drag queen.

I just think it could have been so much better. It's as if they got a whole new bunch of writers and told them to mess up Belle and her relationships, make it less raunchier and then just call it a day. The first three series were way better than the fourth.

Anyone else disappointed?




There were a few highlights but over all it was kind of disapointing. I was glad that she didnt choose Ben over her job because that would have been too easy and too cheesy.

I do think that it sucks that the last we will ever see of Belle is her walking down the street crying and looking like she has just been dug up and then hit with the shovel. Not really a great way to remember her.

Also what the hell was she wearing in the court scene?! This series more than ever they seemed to be trying to turn Belle in to Carrie Bradshaw. The Belle of previous seasons would not have been caught dead in some of awfull crap she did in this one. It was just weird and out of character.

For me the biggest loss to this season was Bambi. Just wasnt the same without her.


This season hasn't been as great as the others, but I do think that they brought the premise around full circle. I always had the sense that there never really was "Hannah," it was a persona of her past that she kept to keep the people of her past happy. Once Ben discovered what she did that persona began slipping away. I think that this season we really saw Belle as just Belle. She left the relationship when she realized that she was Belle and when she realized that she was asking Ben to give up who he was. The conflict came because neither was willing to accept that they weren't compatible and that they were both pretending to be someone that they were not.

I liked that they didn't try to tie everything into a neat little package and I am glad that it didn't show her and Ben riding off into the sunset together. I think that they ended Hannah on a realistic note and now Belle is free to go and live the life that makes her happy.

That being said, I really missed Bambi. There was something that she really brought to the show that was sorely missed this season.


ahaha lol at all these descriptions of belle's last scene. hilarious

overall i was disappointed as well. I didnt feel like this season delved in deep like previous seasons. In the past belle/hannah's relationships were explored in the short time we had with her. this season i didnt even realise that ep 8 was the end because i felt like nothing had truly happened.
it's not fair to say ben and hannah really gave it a shot because we hardly saw them do so. I also felt like the clients were boring. I can't even remember any except the wrestling guy.

what a shame.

oh well. i still love it.
i also love how they seem to end seasons on adele songs. she rights beautiful heart rendering music that everyone can relate to and listen to and really FEEL the emotions in the music.


Even though Ben said he was okay with it, I don't think that he ever really was. I think that is what Belle realized as well and why she made the decision to end things. Ben had an unrealistic romantic idea of Hannah, and he deluded himself into believing that the girl he fell for was the woman he was with when he was with Belle. When he says that he is okay with the job he means that he will never discuss it with her and pretend that it doesn't exist. It would have eventually destroyed him.

With someone like Harry, Belle would be able to discuss her work and she wouldn't need to hide it in shame or fear of hurting the other person. Look at Charlotte's husband, there are obviously no secrets between them. The girl she was on the streets was the same exact girl that she was at home. Belle has made it clear that she truly loves her job and I think that she needs to find someone that she will be able to share that aspect of her life with because it is a huge part of her life. She was so busy trying to protect Ben from Belle this season that they literally had nothing to really say to one another. It was a relationship that was doomed from the start which is why there wasn't much development.


This season just confused me. It's like they forgot what the show used to be like. Why did they get all gimmicky with the montages and flashbacks? Instead of going for real character development it's like they chose storylines based on what songs they could play/outfits they could make Belle wear. Hannah/Belle never struck me as an immature, selfish, cowardly person, but she did this season.

Also, the "dilemma" with Ben didn't make any sense. I get that the stakes had to be high and it was more dramatic for her to have to make a choice, but he clearly states that he doesn't have a problem with her job, it's the communication issue, yet he gives her a choice between being with him or keeping her job?

I'm just glad that it's over, and sad that ended in such a disappointing way.


I agree with all of this sfm. I was really disappointed overall with the feel of this season, and I really didn't care for Charlotte and the daughter. Bambi really gave the show heart, and both Ben and Belle used to be more likeable. Honestly, the ending was just depressing- I don't think she should have given up being Belle for Ben but at the same time...I don't even know.

Her outfits and makeup were just baaad this season too.

Buffy vs Edward: Twilight Remixed


I agree with what other people say about the season lacking depth and character development, and that the clients were pretty boring, etc. I felt like the writers could have used their time more wisely. Also, I really ended up hating the character of Harry. I don't care how much he turns Belle on, it was just creepy how he was stalking her. I really wanted to scream at him to get the *beep* away from her. I have to wonder why she didn't. Even though I hate how selfish Belle was when she was with Ben I definitely don't want her with Harry. And I have to admit that the most moving part of the season was the final scene with her and Ben. I actually teared up a little. They both looked so heartbroken; Billie and Iggo are both such good actors. I don't know, even though the season could've been better I feel like it would have still ended the same way. It's all rather depressing.

And yeah, I don't know wtf was up with the costuming. Belle's hair in that last scene was so...bad. And I couldn't get over the outfit she wore at the courthouse. Was she trying to look like a prostitute? That's the only conclusion I could come to.

Oh, and on character development, does anyone feel like Poppy's story with her mom was wrapped up too easily? I understand that she loves her mom anyway and wants to get along with her, but it just seemed all too easy and pat. :/ I feel like the writers put way to much drama in Poppy's story to wrap the whole thing up with a hug. It was frustrating.

TeaForHelen, because everybody should love Helen Magnus. Formerly Airmo.


I agree with most of that but I didn't mind Charlotte even though she didn't really contribute to any overall story.

The house was just odd in that last we saw her going on the private jet and then as soon as she returns from that trip she's moving into a new house ... what she bought a house while outside the country and had all her belongings moved despite not having packed them or anything before she left and much like stefannie herself we know she launders money so how exactly did she get a either a loan WHILE NOT VISITING THE BANK or make a cash payment (since as the money is stored in a safety deposit box) when she had no access to it...just odd.

The clients were boring (although I did find the gay one hot but it wasn't very interesting storywise).

The whole ben relationship was poorly played out too, his issue is not her work but that she's now suddenly hiding things that she never used to when they were friends and he's feeling left out/decieved.....yet he's demanding she give up her job. Just seems irrational and like the issue he's verbalising isn't the issue he really has.


-She has always been selfish, but if the main character is going to be unlikeable, then every other character needs to be even less likeable. They didn't do that.

-Ben is an idiot. He has that dumb look on his face all the time. Then again, it took him three seasons to realize he wanted to be with Belle, so the fact that he can't make up his mind about whether her being a prostitute bothers him isn't surprising.

-The new house was nice, but all the white paint made it seem cold and bland. Her apartment actually looked like someone lived there. The only thing I liked was that she wasn't turning tricks out of her living room anymore.

-I didn't like their relationship to begin with, but it was pretty miserable to watch.

-I can only remember maybe one instance of male nudity in the show, and very few glimpses of female nudity as well, especially compared to previous seasons. It's sad when you see more of a co-star's (Poppy) body than the actual prostitute main character.

-The trouble is that they didn't focus as much on the fact that she is a call girl this season. Previous seasons had fairly memorable clients and situations, like the dude with the food fetish or Belle alleviating her boredom after being booked for an entire night. What did this season have? The.. lawyer guy? The dead vampire? Simon from Misfits? Nothing especially interesting.

-I liked Charlotte -- the actress (Gemma Chan) is very good at playing super-serious and robotic, but I feel like the character would have worked better if she'd been contrasted with a bubbly character like Bambi, rather than a replacement for her with a completely different personality. Poppy was worthless after the first few episodes.

-The lack of Bambi is annoying, especially the fact that she's not even mentioned at all. She gets married, and suddenly she and Belle aren't friends anymore? I get that her story had finished or whatever, but she was the best character on the show.

-Stephanie might as well not have even been in this season. She wasn't as mean and funny as before, and the role-reversal of her having to depend on Belle wasn't utilized at all.

-I actually liked the comedic moments. There were more of them this season, which sort of distracted from the fact that the serious parts weren't very exciting.

The ending was the only part of the season I felt they got (mostly) right. I think Belle and Ben's relationship was ultimately doomed anyway, and even though the writers were pretty tactless in having it unwind as quickly as it did, I liked the fact that the two best friends that have been in love with each other for the past three seasons didn't actually stay together. Billie and Iddo were really good in the last scene, even though she looked like a monkey wearing make-up.


i agree with most points here.

so many messy subplots (the new york/movie ordeal was useless to the story). the end came a bit abruptly.. there wasn't enough of a buildup.

harry's character was poorly written; it didn't even seem like belle was interested in him, and i feel he was presented too much as a villain. he also disappeared for a few episodes and suddenly reappears. it just didn't feel organic at all.

stephanie's daughter (and her persistent advances on ben) were pointless.

i also felt there were too many flashbacks/zany non sequiturs, but in the end, i can't say i was completely disappointed... i would have hated it if belle and ben ended up together.


agree, big disappointment this season. Hated it how it ended, I want her to end up with Ben.


That was a wretched season. If it wasn't the final one, I would have abandoned ship. As it was, I stuck it out until the end, but I honestly wanted to quit every week.
