Some of you scare me

Some people on this board really scare me. Sure, it's just a movie, but I can't believe how someone can question the rape in this film or even say she "seemed to like it", or that it's "less disgusting" because she "flaunts it". Rape is rape! No matter how sexy you act, no matter how much you tease, no one has the right to rape you. Anyone who disagrees with that is just as bad as the rednecks in this film!

It's no wonder so many rape victims feel shame and are afraid to report it to the police, when many have the same sick attitude towards rape as some people on this board. That sexist, 50's attitude disgusts me and is a big part of why rape victims feel betrayed by society.

Visiting this film's board really depressed me so I won't be back. I just had to get it off my chest. I just hope you grow up, eventually.

Bimbo Boy


The question is, do most of these clowns actually believe the crap they spew or is it the "lets say something disgustingly shocking because that's cool on the Internet" crowd doing what they do best. I would hope that the only people who would ever even hint that a rape is asked for or acceptable would already be in jail or in some ward.


It didnt seem like rape to me



You are either a moron, or just a troll trying to stir up trouble.


I agree with the flaunting. No woman (or man) Should get raped because they are wearing something somebody else finds sexy. Its the equivalent of saying "I don't like that coat, so i am going to kill you."

I would question the first 'rape'. At first it was a rape.. but i'd say she started to enjoy it half way through. It was obvious the two had 'chemistry' at some point. Wether thats a technique of hers/her mind to cope with the awfulness of the rape etc. I lean on the side of it was actually her.. (sorry if that offends some one.) Now you may call me sick for saying that. But i think you are issing the fact i am talking about THIS scene and not rape in general. This is not a factual interpretation of every single rape. We (the forum) are talking about this single scene and nothing more.

The second was a rape. There is NO other way to describe it.

I think you must realise that the internet is filled with good and bad people. The good sit quietly and say nothing. They may make the odd comment. The latter will sit and spew their hatred out onto the net along with the sickest fantasy as they see the internet as a playground for fantasy. IMDB or any forum for that matter is not a place to judge mankind as a whole. Even before there were message boards there were people thinking (direct quote from another post on here -_- "It was rape but she loved it. Most girls do. They normally end up feeling dirty after it and scream rape and the system listens."
I ate my twin in the womb. :<



She didn't want the sex to occur. She goes along with it when it becomes clear that she is overpowered and its inevitable and there is chemistry there because he's her ex. But just because she goes along with it because its inevitable doesn't mean that at that point it "stops" being rape!!!!

How does it stop being rape?

Would he stop? He wouldn't stop! She's just going along with it to get it over with.

I feel like I'm in a swamp of ignorant, misogynist opinions here and most of you are like gargoyles, with these grotesque things to say, like "its not really rape", I didn't even feel bad for her, she was flaunting herself"... uggghhhhh. Gross.

Who says that??? Who THINKS that??




Actually, I'm pretty sure every jury out there would call it rape. If it wasn't rape (and it was) when he didn't stop the first time she said, "no" than surely it was rape the second, third, fourth time she screamed "no!" pushing him away violently and crying. The fact that her body naturally reacted to sexual advances don't cancel out the fact that mentally she was screaming inside. Anyone that has had sexual intercourse can tell you your body will respond in ways you can't control, so if a moan or wrapping your legs occur, that doesn't make it consent. I don't even see how you all think she was kissing him back, her mouth seemed to stay closed whenever he kissed her.

Very disturbing people on this board. I'm glad most can at the very least admit that the second was rape.


Sure there are some indulging in "she deserved it" stuff, which is wrong.

Just as there are others indulging in denying that she seemed to like it, or that it was ultimately, semi-consensual and confusing.

It's intentionally supposed to be so to Kate and the audience. That's a (the?) significant point of Straw Dogs, all versions.

Whether you like it or not.

The story is designed to trigger both false sorts to come out of the woodwork, and it still does.

Now, this is a signature gun, and that is an optical palm reader.
