MovieChat Forums > Straw Dogs (2011) Discussion > I Wouldn't Have Liked David Or Amy

I Wouldn't Have Liked David Or Amy

David's a Hellyweird bleeding heart, liberal. He such a "progressive," he's beyond God and guns give him the willies. He wears slippers and a bathrobe... what kind of man does that? He goes to Church for a special occasion, because "when in Rome," but makes a spectacle by going outside, right after service starts to later be found sleeping in his car? What kind of idiot does that? Oh, he just realized "God isn't his thing, because he sounds like a bully." Poor sweet, innocent Sodom & Gomorrah.

Amy's basically spoiled and used to getting things her way. Jogging around dressed like that and then flashing those guys was ridiculously over-the-top. If my wife acted like that under any circumstances, we'd have an irreparable problem.

This 2011 version of Straw Dogs is better, in my opinion, than the 1971 version. It seemed more realistic, though when Amy said we're going to the game because that's what the locals do, that was ludicrous! You don't have to do every little thing that the locals commonly do and if you're that worried about fitting in, STOP DRIVING THAT FANCY CAR AROUND!

Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸


You must be like the antagonists in the film. They didn't do anything wrong aside from having money, which they earned, driving a nice car, bought with said money and being different from the honky tonk hillbillies that populated the town.
