Song from Trailer

Anyone know what song is playing in the trailer from :56-1:04? I asked this to one person in a thread below but decided it makes more sense to ask it of everyone. Here is the trailer I saw:
I looked at the sdtrk page on imdb, and looked up everything I thought it might be, but could not find it...


There are a couple of songs in the trailer. Two are by Kimya Dawson. I'm Fine is the one that the trailer ends with... her song Underground is also in the middle of the trailer. I'm not sure who the first song is by.


The first piano piece is not from the movie but the first track after that is "Hot Monkey, Hot Ass!" by Black Moustache.
Complete soundtrack listing is here:

The soundtrack is available on Spotify and on iTunes to download.


It is Sneaky Sneaky Dog Friend, by New Zealand band Conan and The Mockasins


A late thanks...I did eventually figure it out somehow! Great song, if a bit of a Beatles rip...
