Iranian films

This was the fourth Iranian film my husband and I have watched in the last few months, all ordered from Netflix. They have all been excellent. One thing that has struck us is that they are all so subtle, and so realistic about human emotion. They are about ordinary people handling situations that could arise in many people's lives. They muddle along, thing get confused, some people tend to be irrational, or violent, or exploitative but most are trying to do the right thing and be true to the best tenets of Islam.
I am especially struck with the fact that Americans tend to think of Iran in war-like terms, because of our military history with it since the fall of the Shah. Say the word "Iranian" and most Americans picture a terrorist. And yet these films are so much more humane and gentle than American movies, which tend to by contrast be violent, loud, simple-minded, and crude. The Iranian films we've seen are slow, sometimes almost tedious by comparison to the fast action of American movies, and yet are so emotionally and intellectually engaging.


they are indeed very gritty and realistic, mostly downbeat movies depicting life and its hardships

i haven't seen an Iranian movie that was entirely upbeat

so many movies, so little time
