
I'm sorry but I just couldn't make it through disk 2 and I find all things WWII fascinating. I guess that's the reason I was so bored...much of the actual war and battles is just glossed over and then we made to trudge through tedious stories from moBEEL and minnsota. Why you make a documentary on the greatest of all wars and limit it's scope to 4 *beep* towns in anywhere US, I'll never know.


Tedious stories? You'd care to do the march to Bataan in the Philippines?


Im sorry you were bored. I dont see how you could be...but to each his own I guess. theres enough documentaries that just cover battles. This one tried to tell the whole story, and, mostly succeeds in my opinion


The fact is the stories of "the actual war and battles" have been told many times in many of documentaries. Told less often have been the "tedious stories" of the citizen soldiers from Mobile, Luverne and Waterbury. And these people, like my father (from a *beep* town in Oregon, thank you very much), were the men and women who actually fought this "greatest of all wars".
I suggest you locate a veteran, ask them about their service to their country and listen to their story. Then thank them from the bottom of your ungrateful heart. You sir, would not be living your beautiful life without their sacrifice.


I see. You find all things about WWII fascinating... except the men who fought , risked their lives, and died... or the families who worried about, or cried for them... most of whom without, if you actually spend an iota of attention to the film... we would have lost the war, for they made the weapons, vessels, and planes that helped fight the war.

That makes a hell of a lot of sense.

So you only like watching stuff that's about tanks, explosions, battles and such. THAT's exciting.

Ignore the souls.. the emotions.. the lives.. and the loss..

It's people like you who keep the "excitement" of war alive.

I never lie. I willfully participate in a campaign of misinformation.
