boring twist (spoilers)

Even the most retarded movie viewer has to know the girl was infected. Maybe not know it was the king, but still... if she wasn't infected that would have been shocking.

For people who supposedly have worked on so many missions culminating in this final one, they were really careless.

Things they could have been done differently,
1. Tie the people up first, or lock them all in a room first, then check them one by one. Hell the random walking around and checking them was so haphazard that I don't see how they remember who was clean and who hasn't been checked.

2. Binding them but not putting them into a secure locked area, and continuously leaving one guard and the guard always turns his/her back to them.

3. Not taping their mouths shut.

4. The dead... cop...

5. The king has to be a worker and not a customer, for the spotter to think the supermarket is the final destination...

6. Never checking the girl out.

7. Taking five years to cut a finger. And taking another five to get another person for the test. If they were bound a little better, could have cut all the fingers at once with four guards instead.

It was an above average movie. I understand the mistakes were to generate an interesting plot. No plotholes really.

Rating is a little high, maybe 7.0 more accurate. But horror movies like this are hard to come by, so yeah people would give a higher rating.


I was just waiting for poor Ben to get killed by the girl. Sure it was obvious but it was satisfying none the less.


Yes the way they worked was pretty untidy and haphazard. But that's the point. They were no professionals, no super human. They were amateurs humans, who make a lot of mistakes in such tense situation.


6. Never checking the girl out.

Yap, this is the reason is was easy to spot the ending. They tried to mask it around with some confusion, but everybody guessed it.

Are you one with the cheesemonkeys?!
